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Bracket tournaments

rated by 0 users
Wed, Mar 25 2015 7:04 AM (21 replies)
  • cutchie1
    32 Posts
    Sun, Jan 4 2015 1:00 PM

    What gives with the time limits. I had a putt on the last green of the game to complete the round. I was kicked out because of a time infraction. At least let us finish a game that is in progress. Especially in different time Zones. Pissed me off telling me I withdrew.

  • DaveStrock
    919 Posts
    Sun, Jan 4 2015 8:26 PM

    I  agree,I quit playing brackets except in my CC,,Starting a tourney before the time is up and then getting booted on the last hole or two is stupid,once a player starts a round in any tourney he/she should be able to finish,,,,,,,,,,I'm sure a lot of players pass on the brackets for this reason,again if you start before it's over you should be allowed to finish.................

  • courteneyfish
    15,796 Posts
    Sun, Jan 4 2015 9:09 PM
    So if someone starts a game with a few minutes to go then takes a dinner break everyone else should wait for them?
  • DaveStrock
    919 Posts
    Sun, Jan 4 2015 11:52 PM

    Sure why not,,,I seriously doubt anyone would purposely hold up a game,unless they had a bitchy ol' lady on their ass or an extreme emergency,in either case the point here is being able to finish what you start when you start with any time remaining,anything wrong with that?......................

  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Mon, Jan 5 2015 12:57 AM

    the point here is being able to finish what you start when you start with any time remaining,anything wrong with that?

    Yep. Just get yourself organized to finish in time which is named in the tournament description and CCs:

    The first 16 people to enter will compete head-to-head, with 30 minutes (or 24 hours) to post their score in each round

    We are talking about Brackets with four rounds in a well defined time frame. Should the next round be delayed because one contestant has a personal issue?

    Then, would you deem this extra time to be infinite, in case someone has to visit a hospital for a week or jail for a few months? Or, introduce another finish line? What would happen if someone breaches this one, claiming "I have the right to finish what I started!"

    Get real boy!

  • DaveStrock
    919 Posts
    Mon, Jan 5 2015 10:03 AM

    Alosso,your "get real BOY" snide immature connotation is  unnecessary,but expected from reading other things you bloviate about!!!!!!

  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Mon, Jan 5 2015 11:04 AM

    So it hurts you to be shown the obvious?

    Your issue.


  • SweetiePie
    4,925 Posts
    Mon, Jan 5 2015 12:11 PM

    ,unless they had a bitchy ol' lady on their ass


    Ah yes....and remember and think when you uttered those words: "Honey ?--- Darlin' ? Would you marry me Baby ?

  • ClericTaven
    59 Posts
    Tue, Jan 6 2015 11:11 AM

    I've been on both sides and still enjoy playing at least free brackets, moreso with 24 Hour rounds.  Peerhaps a compermise of 5 Min timer per hole after Touney's expiration. Kind of like a sports overtime period. Not a total Surprise if withdrawn (due to AFK).

  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Tue, Jan 6 2015 11:43 AM

    So you want 90' extra while the others in the Bracket wait for the next round to start? Or is it only 9'? Should they be unsure about the timing just to comfort your laziness?

    Nope. Rules know no compromise. Post your round in time or you are DQed.