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Is It possible....

Sat, Jan 17 2015 4:57 PM (10 replies)
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  • mantis0014
    8,946 Posts
    Fri, Jan 16 2015 7:21 PM

    We have our Alt Shot games....

    Just wondering if it's possible for Wgt to make up a new type of Alt Shot game like a Canadian Foursomes format.

    Same type of thing as our Alt Shot game now, but   two teams of two people all tee'ing off, but each team picks the best shot of their team and plays that ball until holed.

    For the game, I know we all use different type of balls, but we only use the ball we are equipped with when it's our turn for a shot.


  • turfsand
    1,773 Posts
    Fri, Jan 16 2015 9:46 PM


  • alosso
    21,093 Posts
    Fri, Jan 16 2015 9:57 PM

    A foursome with drive selection - nice idea.

    Alas, we heard a rare "No" by Icon a long while ago - it looks as if any of those MP variants is too far off their track to get on the list.

  • courteneyfish
    15,796 Posts
    Fri, Jan 16 2015 10:00 PM
    Is that the same as Greensomes? Better Ball Foursomes?
  • mantis0014
    8,946 Posts
    Fri, Jan 16 2015 10:48 PM

    Is that the same as Greensomes? Better Ball Foursomes?

    Better Ball Foursomes, I think same as 4 ball best ball. 

    Everybody plays to the finish, like a normal Stroke play game, but take the best score to go on the card....  eg I shoot a 4 and my partner shoots a 3.  The 3 goes on the card.

  • alosso
    21,093 Posts
    Fri, Jan 16 2015 11:17 PM

    (foursome with drive selection)

    Is that the same as Greensomes? Better Ball Foursomes?

    Better Ball is a variant of a Fourball game - two teams, but each player plays his own ball from tee to hole.

    We're talking about a Greensome, Chapman Vierer (=foursome (in Germany)), American (Canadian) Foursome.

  • mantis0014
    8,946 Posts
    Sat, Jan 17 2015 12:30 PM


    A foursome with drive selection - nice idea.

    Alas, we heard a rare "No" by Icon a long while ago - it looks as if any of those MP variants is too far off their track to get on the list.

    I think Wgt should think of something like this. Just something different,

    The only thing they have to change is the tee shot. Where everybody has to tee off. The capt of the team then chooses which tee shot of the team is the best, actually doesn't have to be the best shot, just one they like.

    Then message pops up on screen, like the one we get now to pick who tee's off first and the game continues just like a normal Alt Shot game

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Sat, Jan 17 2015 12:50 PM

    We're talking about a Greensome, Chapman Vierer (=foursome (in Germany)), American (Canadian) Foursome.

    They call it Scramble here and it's a great format. I think it would be fabulous in AS play and I don't see why it couldn't be turned into a tournament format. 

  • mantis0014
    8,946 Posts
    Sat, Jan 17 2015 3:54 PM


    Is that the same as Greensomes? Better Ball Foursomes?

    Better Ball Foursomes, I think same as 4 ball best ball. 

    Everybody plays to the finish, like a normal Stroke play game, but take the best score to go on the card....  eg I shoot a 4 and my partner shoots a 3.  The 3 goes on the card.

    This type of comp could be done now.

    4 players in a stroke play round.  2 teams of 2.  The best score for each team has to be manually figured out or post score card in a community hosted tourny and let the organisor figure out the eventual score.

    Not too hard

  • lencraddy
    1,927 Posts
    Sat, Jan 17 2015 4:21 PM

    Some great ideas get submitted, and some are even acted upon by WGT ( very few )

    BUT,,,,   I and many others I am sure will have noticed  that whenever WGT  brings out Updates, Improvements, or any kind of change, It messes up lots of other elements of the game,,  

    My suggestion is to leave the game as it is currently set up,, and WGT  sort out the many bugs they have created in the game by their so called Upgrades

    My 2 cents worth


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