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58° and 62° ATV or Max wedges, would you buy?

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Wed, Feb 25 2015 4:18 PM (22 replies)
  • DarkenRahl
    2,116 Posts
    Fri, Feb 20 2015 2:41 AM

    I keep looking at that post about new equipment from Adams....  

    If there were to be a high level hybrid fitting the gap between the 225 yd 3 irons and the upper level Bertha 3 woods, say 235 yards how many of you would be interested?  

    Then how about those 58 and 62 degree wedges with a 3.5 meter being 90 and 60 yards to encourage sales of the hybrid?   With decent spin and precision, the 30 yard wedge gaps would be fairly easy to adjust to IMO.

    I had the Clevelands and loved them, but got the ATVs for the meter.  Its been about 2 and a half months since, and I am finally starting to get comfortable  with the yardages and trajectory of the ATVs.  Really miss the 17yd pitch of the Cleveland 64 more than any full / punch shot yardage , and the 20 yard flop makes the 16 yd of the ATV look a bit odd still.  

  • SweetiePie
    4,925 Posts
    Fri, Feb 20 2015 3:55 AM

     Really miss the 17yd pitch of the Cleveland 64 more than any full / punch shot yardage , and the 20 yard flop makes the 16 yd of the ATV look a bit odd still.  

    Hi D-Rahl....I read the above and thought of the many personalites of the important short-game directions we all establish and follow. As a personal example, after all this time, I never pitch and only rarely chip. I do wear out the flop and punch shots...directions we take and establish early on. I now ask myself, Why? How did it happen?  ~SP ~

  • oneeyedjohn
    9,589 Posts
    Fri, Feb 20 2015 5:07 AM

    It happens SP because we are forever learning.

    The pitch for me was a no go for several years until I read someone saying how good and reliable the full BS 17 yard pitch was with the CG.

    To a flat green champ greens:-

    • 30 yards    full shot  60% power
    • 29 yards                    "                       a lirrle BS
    • 28 yards                    "                       a bit more BS
    • 27 yards                    "                       full BS
    • 26 yards   pitch CG60º                    1/2 BS
    • 25 yards                   "                         full BS
    • 24 yards      90% pitch                     1/2 BS
    • 23yards                    "                         full BS
    • 22 yards       flop                                Full TS
    • 21 yards         "                                   1/2 TS
    • 20yards          "                                   no spin
    • 19 yards        flop or pitch
    • 18 yards                "
    • 17 yards         pitch                             full BS

  • hpurey
    11,521 Posts
    Fri, Feb 20 2015 5:42 AM


    Edit *  just checked and  the ATV has 0.5 less precision and spin, but slower meter and costs 300 credits more.


    Decisions decisions.

    .5 less precision, but 1.0 more forgiveness to go along with the slower meter that matches the irons, driver & 3wd.  I now have the 50 and 100 yard atv in the bag and I hit the ding more consistently with them,  I still have the 80 CG simply due to lack of credits for the 3rd ATV.  When I play the cg now, I'm am way off on the ding much much more than usual.


    If you play like me H you will find that when you play the 50-75's you need the 60-80's and when you play the 60-80's you need the 50-75'

    LMFAO!   That is exactly true.  I had the 50/75/100 at one point because I kept seeing that with the CG's a while back, .....  then went back to the CG's because I missed the 17yd chip shot too much .... see below

     Really miss the 17yd pitch of the Cleveland 64 more than any full / punch shot yardage


    .....  Question still remains,  what "new gear" will we be getting next.  60 days into the next 30-90 days announcement, and still nothing new other than the Vapoos. 

  • SweetiePie
    4,925 Posts
    Fri, Feb 20 2015 5:47 AM


    It happens SP because we are forever learning.

    Thanks John, I wrote the pitch guide down and intend to apply it ... ;-}

  • oneeyedjohn
    9,589 Posts
    Fri, Feb 20 2015 6:11 AM



    It happens SP because we are forever learning.


    Thanks John, I wrote the pitch guide down and intend to apply it ... ;-}

    Anything to help SP, but remember any kind of downhill landing area and it doesn't work so good.   E.G. 14th at StAndies, if u r left and short of the green then it is downhill to the pin, so I flop there taking 3 yards off the quoted distance.

    However the best example I can give ya is the 18th at StAndies, if u just about drive the green and end up on fairway 17 yards short, then ur in the money with a full BS 17 yard pitch.

    Also with a flop skidding off the fringes and going 7 - 8 feet further, a pitch doesn't have that problem.

    I haven't perfected the 6 - 10 yard pitch yet, but I've seen Fmagnets and others play it and it is truly a thing of beauty.

  • hpurey
    11,521 Posts
    Fri, Feb 20 2015 7:08 AM

    well, after 2 weeks of free videos and credit offers and selling back an item or two.  I now have all three ATV wedgies.  Been here before, only this time I didn't sell back the CG 60/80 yard wedges lol.

    As much as I loved the CG's,  I haven't been all that competitive with that set up for a long while, so I turned my focus to matching meter speeds from driver down to 64° wedge.  Hopefully it pays off,  not so much by lower scores, but by less frustration missing the meter so darn often, and by a mile to boot. lol


    Still would want the 60/80/100 set up if wgt adds some new wedges but with same 3.5 meter speed.  

  • ISH47
    1,963 Posts
    Fri, Feb 20 2015 8:03 AM

    I did the same thing a couple weeks ago hp..  at first I loved those atv's but after a while I missed the cg's.. sold the atv's back for a sleeve of balls.. LOL

    No telling how many credits I'd have if I weren't wasting them all the time.. I wanna try the R11 irons now but with that meter speed there's no way I'd like them.. so gonna just stick with the 85's,

  • hpurey
    11,521 Posts
    Fri, Feb 20 2015 8:27 AM

    No telling how many credits I'd have if I weren't wasting them all the time.


    You and me both!  LOL   Where I went wrong last time I went to the ATV's was I sold back the CG's to get them.  This time I'm keeping the CG's in the bag.  After all, I have the stand bag+ so I have 4 configurations to choose from.   First two with cg's and the two different yellow cally's,  second two with atv's and two different yellows.


    Still out of habit, I end up changing out clubs/balls on one of the bag setups and never use the others lol.

  • oneeyedjohn
    9,589 Posts
    Fri, Feb 20 2015 10:45 AM

    Christ Almighty, just give me a simple life