TIP:-.. WGT organizes something..............then steer clear !?!
UNLESS...you like Stress, Aggravation and elevated blood pressure.
The pertinent questions for a questionable on-line Life Insurance quote should be......
a/ Do you Smoke 20+ a day ?
b/ Drink to excess ?
c/ Ever used drugs intravenously ?
d/ Drive like a lunatic ?
e/ Or a combination of the above..?
(eg:- Pissed as, trying to inject cocaine at 90 mph )
f/ Had unprotected sex with more than 7 men in one night ?
'You have answered YES to all of the above and your Premium would be £128.57 pcm'
One more question and then please click to confirm your credit card details
g/ Have you or anyone close to you ever played WGT ?
You clicked YES and as a Company we are sorry to say your application has been denied.
'We don't take THAT kind of fookin risk !!!'