Tour Legend Specific Tournaments
Latest Ready Go #77132
# 71587 Pine 300 cr. 23 entries
#72546 Mer 300 cr 24
#73653 Ban 300 cr 20
#73655 Con 300 cr 15
#73656 RSG 200 cr 36 This one should finish soon at least
So because T/L Tournaments are so popular and fill real fast, 11 days ago 4 more Tour Legend Specific Tournaments were added to the list and are filling rapidly.
So with this in mind someone has decided we need more Tour Legend Specific Tournaments and yesterday added another 4 Very Popular Tournaments that I as a Tour Legend can choose from.
Gee Whizz, thank you so much.
The $318.00 in Limbo only refers to the Top 5 listed RG's
I couldn't be bothered to do the Math on all 13 Tour Legend Specific RG's.
I actually am in the oldest #71587 and have not entered another T/L specific game since, luckilly for me or all my credits would be tied up in TOURNAMENTS THAT TAKE MONTHS TO TURNOVER.
YES that game is now 5545 games old. Cant tell you what the time frame is in weeks as I forget.
You wonder why I only play Open RG's.??? Probably not'
100's of posts have been made about RG's and although some are listened to ( Thank You ) most are just thrown in the Trash
At least we have been given some high and low stakes games recently.
The point of this post is..................WHY? Do we have so many T/L Specific games, when the turnover in Open games is sometimes just a matter of hours and you only have to look at the started/finished list to see their popularity.
Give me RG's I can play in and I will use 2 or 3 balls a day, that equates to around $40.00 a week and $2000.00 a year in balls alone WGT.
Please do the Math. Think of more members happily bashing balls around and spending credits replacing them. LOL
Should I hit the "post" button or just erase this?
Regards from Alan