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The worst programed game ever!

rated by 0 users
Mon, Dec 6 2010 1:35 PM (19 replies)
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  • ShooterMcKrausen
    11 Posts
    Sat, Dec 4 2010 10:43 PM
    Your right legend! Its not 14 yds. Why is everyone missing the point? The exact same shot, same club, same distance, same buried percentage the 1st shot goes 1yd. and the second goes 43 yds. Why is everyone avoiding the question? focus and read the whole question. So frikken obnoxious, ask the same question 3 times and get no answers, just BS. And Henry, what the hell was that paragraph you put together? I am now stupider for having read it!
  • SGTBilko
    1,686 Posts
    Sun, Dec 5 2010 5:44 AM

    Your right legend! Its not 14 yds. Why is everyone missing the point? The exact same shot, same club, same distance, same buried percentage the 1st shot goes 1yd. and the second goes 43 yds. Why is everyone avoiding the question? focus and read the whole question. So frikken obnoxious, ask the same question 3 times and get no answers, just BS. And Henry, what the hell was that paragraph you put together? I am now stupider for having read it!

    Because basically what your describing is a fluke or an oddity. Even "the beast" (search the beast in search box) would not create that kind of variable. This game is designed to be as realistic as possible compared to otherslike TW online and links. Since you are fairly new take a look at your stats compared to others. You can go out and play SA or Kiwawah all day but those courses will never improve your sand% and scrambling% that much. We all here have had fluke and strange shots, the key is when that happens right click during game play and report the bug. I hope this helps some.

  • borntobesting
    9,679 Posts
    Sun, Dec 5 2010 9:51 AM


    Your right legend! Its not 14 yds. Why is everyone missing the point? The exact same shot, same club, same distance, same buried percentage the 1st shot goes 1yd. and the second goes 43 yds. Why is everyone avoiding the question? focus and read the whole question. So frikken obnoxious, ask the same question 3 times and get no answers, just BS. And Henry, what the hell was that paragraph you put together? I am now stupider for having read it!

    Because basically what your describing is a fluke or an oddity. Even "the beast" (search the beast in search box) would not create that kind of variable. This game is designed to be as realistic as possible compared to otherslike TW online and links. Since you are fairly new take a look at your stats compared to others. You can go out and play SA or Kiwawah all day but those courses will never improve your sand% and scrambling% that much. We all here have had fluke and strange shots, the key is when that happens right click during game play and report the bug. I hope this helps some.

    One thing that seems to have been over looked is his clubs. Unless he just changed his club set-up he is using the worst wedges in the game. With virtually no precision and almost totally worthless for a chip from the lie he is describing. And it probably wasn't the exact same shot. the ball moves 1 yard it probably went from 30/40% to 25% and he was too mad to actually check his new lie and makes the same swing and hits an awful shot and it's the game's fault not his inattention.

  • mohuyu
    891 Posts
    Sun, Dec 5 2010 12:30 PM


    One thing that seems to have been over looked is his clubs. Unless he just changed his club set-up he is using the worst wedges in the game. With virtually no precision and almost totally worthless for a chip from the lie he is describing. And it probably wasn't the exact same shot. the ball moves 1 yard it probably went from 30/40% to 25% and he was too mad to actually check his new lie and makes the same swing and hits an awful shot and it's the game's fault not his inattention.

    Not to be disrespectful born. I went and investigated the issue with the beginners clubs myself - went to kia put myself in some 40/50 rough 13yds from the pin ... hit the exact same 14yd pitch and the ball ends up 4ft past the pin. It didn't rocket off and go 43 bloody yds. Shoot you must be seeing things - nobody is stopping you from leaving do it quitely.

    One thing I learnt is that you have to wait days for the meter to get even halfway across the bar...

  • garyk49
    2,327 Posts
    Sun, Dec 5 2010 6:43 PM

    Ok, I probably went a little overboard with the whole "worst game ever" stuff, but none of you want to answer my question. So im going to ask one more time, Im going to try explaining more in depth. Im buried in the rough 30% to 40% 19 yds. from the flag. Set up to chip 14 yds., hit it perfect and it goes 1 yd. Now Im in the same rough, buried 30% to 40% set up for another chip, 14 yds., hit it perfect and it goes 43 yds and off the green. I wouldnt be pissed if it didnt happen all the time, Im just looking for consistency.Maybe its a ploy to get me to drop some coin and buy some new clubs, but I would rather drop $60 on Tiger Woods for my 360. Have any of you played golf on any other system? Lynx- original xbox, mario golf on N64 or redneck golf on the original xbox, never had a problem with any of these games and all had great mechanics. Obviously its blasphemy to talk trash about the great WGT,but you shouldnt even have an opinion unless youve played other golf games. I know you couldnt have played any other golf games if your that devoted to this glossy turd.

    If you were in 30-40 rough 19 away, that takes the power of about a 25 yard chip, not 14.  If it only went 1 yard and you were still in the rough, it sounds like to me you were too far off the green in the rough to be chipping anyway.  If you are more then a yard or 2 from the green, don't chip, use pitch.  The chip will stick in the rough and not go anywhere.  The second shot, good question.  It may have changed to pitch, which will go farther then the yardage distance due to roll.  A very downhill green, such as bethpage 15 can roll forever it seems.  Many 10 foot putt done there hit with the power of 2 feet.


  • borntobesting
    9,679 Posts
    Sun, Dec 5 2010 9:27 PM



    One thing that seems to have been over looked is his clubs. Unless he just changed his club set-up he is using the worst wedges in the game. With virtually no precision and almost totally worthless for a chip from the lie he is describing. And it probably wasn't the exact same shot. the ball moves 1 yard it probably went from 30/40% to 25% and he was too mad to actually check his new lie and makes the same swing and hits an awful shot and it's the game's fault not his inattention.


    Not to be disrespectful born. I went and investigated the issue with the beginners clubs myself - went to kia put myself in some 40/50 rough 13yds from the pin ... hit the exact same 14yd pitch and the ball ends up 4ft past the pin. It didn't rocket off and go 43 bloody yds. Shoot you must be seeing things - nobody is stopping you from leaving do it quitely.

    One thing I learnt is that you have to wait days for the meter to get even halfway across the bar...


    If you will reread my post carefully you will see that  I was quoting Sgt Bilko who quoted the OP (ShooterMcKrausen). It was ShooterMcKrausen  who was ranting about how badly the game was programmed. I merely pointed out that it was most likely his beginner wedges that were the problem because they will not chip well from the 40/50% rough. The pitch with them will work. I too took the time to investigate using both the beginner wedges and beginner iron set. OK what I did was put myself in the 40/50% rough and used the 14 yard CHIP not pitch and indeed it went 1 yard. I then intentionally switched to the 3 iron and made the same CHIP not pitch and it went 41 yards. Most likely what the OP(ShooterMcKrausen) did was accidentally change his club to the 3 or 4 iron by moving the scroll wheel and didn't notice.  I have dine that a few times myself. When he made his next shot it did take off like a rocket but not because of bad programming but because of his inattention. And as you learned yes with the beginner clubs with my tour GI-S ball the swing meter took what seemed like an eternity to reach the ding mark. As for me I love this game and play as often and as long as I can. The only time I get frustrated is when I do stupid things and play badly because of my own stupidity not faulty programming. 


  • andyson
    6,415 Posts
    Mon, Dec 6 2010 5:32 AM

    Most likely what the OP(ShooterMcKrausen) did was accidentally change his club to the 3 or 4 iron by moving the scroll wheel and didn't notice.

    What a novel idea to put responsibility on yourself first rather than blame the game!

    It's a shame a replay is not available where we could clearly see the chip with a 3I.

    But replays are busted and we can put the onus on programmers for that! 

  • mohuyu
    891 Posts
    Mon, Dec 6 2010 6:28 AM

    I too took the time to investigate using both the beginner wedges and beginner iron set. OK what I did was put myself in the 40/50% rough and used the 14 yard CHIP not pitch and indeed it went 1 yard. I then intentionally switched to the 3 iron and made the same CHIP not pitch and it went 41 yards

    I stand corrected ... didnt think anybody would think of using a 3i chip when the 14yd pitch with the LW is there to be played.

  • Richard4168
    4,309 Posts
    Mon, Dec 6 2010 8:50 AM

    Shooter, you keep mentioning the same thing, [same shot, same club]. What club did you use to pull-off that shot? If you used any club higher than a 9 iron, or any other shot then a pitch, or punch, your going to get the kind of shot result you keep mentioning.

    Play some practice rounds and you'll see it's not a problem with the game causing the poor shot results you're experiencing.

    TWO, or any other counsel golf game doesn't hold a stick to the realistic graphics of this game.

  • donckey
    1 Posts
    Mon, Dec 6 2010 1:35 PM

    Hi ShooterMcKrausen

    If you want we can play a few games together. So I can see whats going wrong in your game.And may be I can give you some tips.  I'll invite you as friend if you want. Who knows you will change your mind about the game.


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