claremoreblue: Good luck to all of you and enjoy what you can get out of it. As for myself who know's. I'd rather play with my grandsons!
* Taps playing in the back ground.
Sad but we are all to familiar reading these kind of post from vet players who at one time were the back bone to the game. The beginning of the end has been coming for some time now. Most all of the excitement playing this game has been slooowly removed over the years. WGT took a very good game with a great concept and design and just couldn't LEAVE WELL ENOUGH ALONE. WGT kept adding and subtracting and dividend and multiplying update after update , new feature after new feature, level after level , tier after tier, and on and on and on,,,,YOU JUST NEVER STOPPED WGT!
In the beginning before all this garbage of levels, tiers, MONEY GRABBING POWER BOOST, (I'll stop here) back when the game had a very basic yet challenging concept, THAT'S when the game was fun, exciting, challenging and REAL.
NOW, for the new comer,,,,,FORGET IT! The task that lies ahead of the just to compete at a low level is freaking ridiculous. Just the money alone MOST people can not afford to invest not including the amount of time. WGT's new comer ratio, lets say 100 new players who stay to reach a Legend tier has got to be "at best" maaaybe 2% out of that 100. Seriously. Between alllllll the money they have to spend and allllll the time just to reach certain levels has to be complete and absolutely turn off.
I have said it repeatedly over the years - WGT,,,YOU JUST NEVER STOPPED.