Wow, this discussion is sure gone off topic. To answer original question: NO, no plans :)
And we are supposed to believe you WHY?
Someone at your level in the organizational chart of a company would not be informed of a company closing your area of the operation until the sale is closed and/or the layoff notices go out.
Besides, even if you were informed of such a serious change in the operation, you would be sworn to secrecy at the risk of whatever future layoff compensation you might be eligible for, be that pure financial, a future position with a company management is moving to next, or a possible recommendation.
You're simply too low on the totem pole to make such a claim.
Also, as has been clearly demonstrated in the Attention WGT thread, even administrators in the company have no problem lying to customers. Why should rank & file workers be any different? WGTadmin has destroyed the credibility of all of you.