After literally years of complaints from their customers who are frustrated with in-game glitches, WGT must be congratulated on the latest development that is nearing completion that should eliminate almost all future glitches. Any programmed system suffers from the same issue – that upgrading the code can cause unforseen effects elsewhere in the system. The ability to provide continual improvements without compromising the existing gaming experience is limited to the testing robustness and resources available. WGT have suffered in the past from limitations in both resources and also in robust testing protocols.
The end of your frustrations is near!
This new development provides an automated testing feature that will fully test all code development, making it virtually impossible for there to be glitches caused by programming errors. This automated testing feature in its Beta format is called the “Logically Interfaced – Robust Programming Algorithm”. Its first release will be LIRPA 1.0
Functionally LIRPA 1.0 will be able to test the new development for glitches and allow errors to be detected and corrected prior to release. To do this a copy of the current live environment is copied into the new test environment – the sandpit – and then side-by-side the new development is loaded. The Robustness Algorithm is then able to create 100 virtual user accounts, and have them play literally thousands of games in all formats, progressively accessing all aspects of the game environment, and comparing the simulated results with a set of expected outcomes. Any differences between actual and expected outcomes represents a “glitch” that needs to be addressed. This has required some pretty funky technology - requiring plenty of logical feedback loops and heavy database monitoring. This has been managed by further developing some existing technology in Porcine Avionics. Without boring everyone with further detail – let’s just say this provided the silver bullet allowing for thorough system testing prior to implementation of change – so that customers should never again experience a glitch in the game-play of WGT.
Being an automated testing environment – it requires zero hours of actual manual testing. This is a fantastic achievement – and is coincidentally the exact current resourcing of system testing – so will easily be able to be implemented as soon as the system is complete within the current resource limitations.
To all those frustrated WGT gamers – there is hope out there on the horizon. Have patience. WGT have not lost sight of your complaints and are working on it. Until now it was a Lost Horizon – but we have all suffered a hard road, and are now looking forward to peace at the end of the tough journey.
Happy Hacking to you all.