Very fine putts all, I have yet to make one going from a bit further out.
Two times I had the line basically figured out and got unexpected wgt errors and since it was obviously a practice round lost my spots and had to restart.
This error has occurred multiple times and makes it hard when I'm not getting unlimited attempts. Was wondering if others have gotten any errors?
Fun contest Icon, Appreciate it m8! Wish I could have a fair go at it w/out the errors.
stick knock 82 yards
-replay.aspx?ID=b5b465ae d7e6 47aa ac48 a497011b41b7
another stick knock this 1 closer~80 yards
replay.aspx?ID=7a7a0857 28cf 47f7 8b82 a497015139b2
These replays show that further is possible if still trying and good luck! I wish I could try more but getting errors.