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Slow Meter Boost

Thu, Jun 25 2015 5:04 PM (164 replies)
  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Tue, May 19 2015 7:11 AM

    I believe the slow meter cheat boost is the worst thing to be added to the game ever.

    Tough call there, PT. Those clashes rank right up there. LOL

    If I didn't know any better I'd swear WGT said to themselves "we can't do anything about the cheats so let's see if we can make some coin off of them."  Now it looks like you could buy your way into the VUSO.

    $7 sleeve of the best balls, $16.20 for 54 perfect hits for a total of $23.30!! (You could save $5.40 if you trusted yourself to make the 2 foot gimmes you get on the approaches.)

    Pony up, kids, the cut's heading towards 54.

  • MBaggese
    15,378 Posts
    Tue, May 19 2015 7:16 AM

    $7 sleeve of the best balls, $16.20 for 54 perfect hits for a total of $23.30!! Pony up, kids.


    Not even that expensive YJ, only need 18 good approach shots at 540 crs, so 1240 credits get's you a damned fine score.


    Watch the tightening at the top of the bigger entry RG's as well...can you imagine 18 dinged approach shot at BPB, heck, even KI, in low or moderate winds?

  • Jimbog1964
    8,378 Posts
    Tue, May 19 2015 7:23 AM

    Short of using it every time, and getting used to the new speed for a mere 30 credits a pop does any one think this is going to really make any difference?

     I do hope it has the little dip chits at the internet cafe are a bit worried though.  In a way I feel sorry for the little cafe jerks (that turn it on, LOL).  Having to grind through for the small reward don't seem like fun, and leisure sport anyway.

    I think this is more a scam than something that will make a difference to scoring though.  Everyone is different and I have not used it, but I would think I would be paying to 30 credits to have the same chance of missing or hitting.  As say not tried it so could be v wrong.

    Like I said earlier nonplussed by the whole situation really - great shame. 

    EDIT: Maybe they decided slow is old hat so may as well get some to pay for last years model?  I know I was referred a certain twitch channel some time ago.  said person took it down but starter clubs were dinging better than St. Effin Pauls, sigh....Either that's teh second comin or something more than a slow meter / steadier, and it look an OK speed anyway............

    Thinking the dinger through would half speed get me dinging more??? Not going to try it, but not sure it world.  Miss the wrong side at Kiawah by a fraction and that's where you get the pressure on your putts - at least I do.  I am not some top player playing all that they do either, and it's why I stay out of 18 holers often.  I reckon I stand enough of a chance often enough over 9 but over 18 v whatever bot is out now I am dead meat.  Donlt mind losing to a top player, and first to say well done to Mags etal, but the cheats obv a different story.

  • Pimpollillo
    179 Posts
    Tue, May 19 2015 7:36 AM

    Everything is about money: the more you pay, the better you play. 

  • MBaggese
    15,378 Posts
    Tue, May 19 2015 7:38 AM

    Short of using it every time, and getting used to the new speed for a mere 30 credits a pop does any one think this is going to really make any difference?


    I do...I assume you can let the meter run through as many times as you want to get the feel for it, once you have the timing down, ding away.

  • ZioMio
    4,680 Posts
    Tue, May 19 2015 7:38 AM

    The only shot I'd pay for is the one I would not shoot myself.

    Anyone know of a good  cheap HitMan in the San Francisco Bay Area?

  • mmyers0
    478 Posts
    Tue, May 19 2015 8:03 AM

    I see how the business side of WGT would think it makes sense, but from a gameplay point of view it destroys the fun.

    I suggest that each use of the Focus Boost should provide a tiny but permanent increase to meter speed. Use it a lot and find yourself becoming addicted. Anybody?

  • Tricky1066
    10 Posts
    Tue, May 19 2015 8:09 AM

    Terrible.... This "focus boost" just halved my playing interest.   At the very least please allow the icon to be removed in the "options" tab in menu.

  • Pkay72
    229 Posts
    Tue, May 19 2015 9:49 AM

    Just utter Rubbish. If this carries on what is the point of mapping clubs and having pressure shots. Could I do it on the real golf course. In a comp I get a piece of string out my bag and line up putts or get a huge cricket bat driver for those pressure drives. Or could I throw it out of the bunker as the pressure is too great.

    You are slowly taking the game into arcade mode. And if that's the case you might see people leaving and start your downfall.

    Just sell clubs and balls that what people want no gimmicks, just a game of maths skill and patience.

    10,728 Posts
    Tue, May 19 2015 9:52 AM

    Have you seen how smooth that slow meter boost is?? why can't the meter in normal mode be as smooth as that??? If this is available to players playing in the Open single play , it will be the most destructive thing they ever do! To be little and cremate the biggest comp in wgt would be  suicide! And i for one would lose all respect for the site.