MBaggese: "unwritten rules" are in in real sports and pertain to the game being played, in the real world agents are talking to agents about players all the time.
I know what you are saying Mike and your analogy is good. However golf is a sport that revolves around etiquette and that unwritten rule has mostly existed with the majority of owners. Unlike real golf clubs, WGT CC's are not a buisness, they are primarily about like minded friends coming together (please do not get excited about the phase).
Bottom dollar is despite the deals done by agents, the players have the ultimate decision to make.
CC Owners invest a lot of time and often money running a good club. This is why I feel loyalty is earned.
I too belong to a club that is pretty laid back......wait, we are in the same club...thought you sounded familiar,,,,,,,
I like my club, I like the members and we have a good mix of events so I feel honored to represent it. If players do not feel that way about their club, the IMO they will move on at some point, wall post or not.