Actually,you don't have to sit and wait so long,if chatting and sociability is not your thing,then you can opt for the 30 second(I think) timer,which allows you to just rush in and get it over with so that you can leave wgt more quickly and get on with the pressingly urgent things that you really wanted to be doing instead.Or you could play alone,to your hearts content and take only as long as you wish to make each shot and move quickly on.
Unfortunately perhaps, the human species in the main is predisposed to interraction,and to some that very interraction is one of the chief reasons for engaging in a game such as this,with the added bonus of a game of virtual golf on the side.
So you see,this site has on offer a veritable panopoly of choices,which ones one makes should be suited to ones own personal preference,and that way,one does not tip over the cart,which contains apples.
Which brings like a rumble on a quiet night,those scenes from Chicago car chase movies where errant baddies roar without care nor caution through backstreet markets which always seem to have street vendors engaged in moving rails of clothing across the busy yet narrow alleys,just at the very moment a speeding car enters stage left,the clothing on the rails nicely obscuring the ever present apple cart from the drivers view.No wonder the poor driver knocks all the apples off,I blame the clothes vendor,perhaps the City fathers should look into awareness training,or at the very least,have the moviemakers leaflet the street markets to let them know they will be filming soon.This way,all that mess could be avoided,the risk of personal injury lessened,and the clothes on the rail would not have to be retrieved from speeding windscreens or indeed laundered before sale was possible.Imagine the loss of profit involved in all of that.
I was in Chicago one time and decided to take the El and get off randomely to witness a car chase,but there were none to be found and I ended up with a man following me under deserted underpasses with brown paper bags dusting themselves down in tumbles along the grey icy streets,and somewhere there was a door banging which made me wonder at how soon,someone would have to do something about that.Things got worse quickly however,because a frieght train derailed in the rockies,so my train had to go to Sacremento via Denver and Salt lake city but in the end stopped at Reno where someone was sick.I did however,and this is a top traveller tip,find that the disabled toilets on the train afforded much more room to carry out necessary functions than the regular ones,which did not allow one to fully close the door AND get ones knees inside at the same time.