WGTShamWow: Just wanted to post an update on whats going on
Much appreciated, thank you.
WGTShamWow: Was just advised that our Q/A team
QA team? Your Quality Assurance team is the one handling site coding? seriously?
Or are they the ones reporting on what the Developers have told them?
This incorrect feedback although it might be semantics to you , leaves further concern in my mind.
Please clarify.
or dont.. if you really dont care what people make of your 'update' then it isnt worth the pixels it was typed on is it?
I would suggest that WGT outsource the adequate help and fix the site as much as can be fixed.... for now.
Because lets face it, your "Q/A" team really isn't cutting the mustard is it?
WGTShamWow: the camera zoom bug
Which involves;
- incorrect default camera when clicking 'zoom'
- Incorrect camera used on most approach shots.
- Camera flip between views when a player arrives at his shot
- Camera sounds and chat box focus shifted on above instances
WGTShamWow: instant replay crash
WGTShamWow: fixes should be released in a few days
A few days?
I suppose this is to be expected if the blo0dy QUALITY ASSURANCE team are the ones working on it! But since it would be all within the same parameters in the coding it really shouldn't take that long and I feel
you are just buying time because NO ONE has a CLUE as to what happened, right?
WGTShamWow: a no downtime release and we will provide more information when it becomes available to us.
Yep, 'on the fly' fixes/ patches that may or may not work, until the results become available to you.
Via more dissent in the forums?
WGTShamWow: Once the release is live, you will need to close the browser window and reopen it for it to take effect.
Well with the excellent communication WGT has with the community at the moment, this will probably be an accidental discovery by most users and with the Q/A Teams track record in doing this coding, we will expect more issues, wont we?
WGTShamWow: Thanks again everyone for being so patient with these last couple of issues.
I have personally largely stayed away from these forums due to the pointless dribble we kept getting fed here - the constant garbage we put up with, for 4 years I have seen users come and go with the same old tiring complaints - the same old inadequate fixes and replies.
N00bs with the same old questions time after time , day after day - a FAQ that isnt updated and also has incorrect information.
My patience is all about run out , time to put some ire back into these forums again and stop the wishy washy mamby pambering thats been evident lately.
We have no choice other than to walk away from the game, and because many of us have put hundreds of dollars (and a lot more) towards this cokamamie farce of a game, walking away is a difficult thing to do!
If I weren't the owner of a successful club here, I would probably walk away.
With dozens of members all coming to me for answers in our own forums - i have this garbage to relay on to them. I also have to remain positive in the darkness and appease my members on your behalf , like many other owners do.
We hope that each release brings with it a complete sweep of the old garbage we have had to endure and discover a brilliant update with most if not all bugs and wankfests removed.
But it doesn't happen, there is no WOW, its all a SHAM.
So WGTSham while you are trying to appease us with your "Q/A" phrase from the Sales Team.
Is there no reflection on the other issues in which have gotten the ire of the community? Is that it?
Is there no sense of altruism at all from WGT?
Since NBC bought you out , dont they have any increased vision for the game at all?
Or did Chad and his minions provide them the same BS you are giving us now?
A facade of brilliance hiding a hell hole of problems?
Perhaps the "Q/A Team" has a little phrase you can use for us on these other pending issues?
WGTShamWow: All the Best,
Are you still being paid WGTSham? or have you taken a reduction in lieu of how the community is feeling and really want to display a hear felt Group Hug for us all?
Pfft. You are all as pathetic as each other.
Once for a week , about a year ago.. it all seemed good, even the forums were mostly positive.. but sure enough WGT had to F*ck it up again.
Like someone else said the other day - if it were an error with Buying Credits or Pro Shop sales, the fixes would be IMMEDIATE.
There would be no "Q/A Team" on it , you would probably outsource the adequate help!
I would suggest that at any time the Credit Purchase facility started dumping out double the credits purchased, you will find no Heart Felt apologies or warm Group Hugs from any of us.
Bah... carry on....
at least you are good at getting us to bend over for you AND supply our own KY
/end rant
Edit: I have an answer for WGT - rebuild the site using technology from this decade - dont use Flash at all. Most of your problems will be over.
I for one would be happy to wait a couple of months until it is complete.