WoodenHands: I did wonder about the different meter speed, tough enough to get a rhythm when things are all the same speed, well for me anyway.
Not a selling point for me the real slow speed but does not get in the way of my play, and really enjoy the new toy overall.
Seems to be a total replacement for my old L93 Black R1. Now if some one was a bit Fway challenged the lower loft is a little easier going I would say, but doubt you will see the L103 as anything other than a Fway machine.
I never had the other higher loft drivers and was always staunchly L93 Black R1 since it was first offered, UNTIL NOW :)..I was that TL Dan was talking about, and finally said OK I am being a stubborn old git probably and took all the advice from my fellow CC members. Jolly glad I did :)
Oh and putting is just even more personal, IMO :)