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Tough-It-Out VT event: St Andrews

rated by 0 users
Wed, Sep 2 2015 11:43 AM (92 replies)
  • Corwyn
    2,410 Posts
    Tue, Aug 11 2015 5:10 AM

    Heads up... Tough-It-Out is BACK ... now with NEW Club Proof requirements if you wish to be eligible for leaderboard or Stats PRIZES!

    *** To be in the running for any prizes, you must take and post either a VIDEO record or SCREEN SHOTS with PROOF OF CLUBS used, along with both f9 & b9 CARDS and all the STATS!!!!! (see 3rd post below for details) ***

    I took a break in July as I was traveling (to Scotland in fact, and partly to see a couple of days play at The Open in St. Andrews!) ... but now it's time to catch up, both with the missing parallel VT event for July at the home of golf, and with another TIO tourney for August to be held at Oakmont.

    We're running both tourneys at the same time (each with their own thread), and they start this coming Thursday 8/13.

    TOURNEY OPENS Thursday 8/13

    R1 runs Thu 8/13 - Wed 8/19; R2 runs Thu 8/20 - Wed 8/26

    *** LEADERBOARD & ENTRY LINK is here ***

    (and tourney is also in the official WGT tourney list in the Game Client)

    After the success of the holiday special at the beginning of the year, A Bandon Hope, and the four follow-up tourneys @ RSG in Feb, Kiawah in March, Bethpage in April, Congressional in May, and Pinehurst in June, the Tough-It-Out VT bandwagon moves on (with a slight delay!) to St Andrews. We are offering a monthly TIO Starters-only tourney running parallel to the VT (and this month we have 2 events simultaneously with one at Oakmont as well). 

    Prior 2015 events: 

    Jan: A Bandon Hope  (LB)

    Feb: Tough-It-Out VT Feb event: Royal St. George's  (LB)

    Mar: Tough-It-Out VT Mar event: Kiawah Island  (LB)

    Apr: Tough-It-Out VT Apr event: Bethpage Black  (LB)

    May: Tough-It-Out VT May event: Congressional  (LB)

    Jun: Tough-It-Out VT May event: Pinehurst #2  (LB) (shown in WGT tourney list)

    Tough-It-Out competitions have run for several years as community organized events here on WGT (see example here). The Tough-It-Out concept is all about trying to mimic the hardest conditions in Major Championship golf, giving us the challenge of trying to tackle the toughest courses in a manner similar to that faced by the top pros. Par will be a great score! 

    By using Starter Clubs and Balls only, and doing it with Uneven Lies we believe this is the hardest test on WGT, and it's one that's a level playing field (pun intended) for all participants. 

    WGT is offering a sleeve (of good balls) to the top 5 players in this 2 single-play rounds event (note requirements for prizes below). Thanks Shoe! Good luck! 

    TOURNAMENT ENTRY LINK is HERE (event starts Thu 8/13: 1st Rnd ends Wed 8/19)

    *** Remember, to be in the running for any prizes, you must take and post either a VIDEO record or SCREEN SHOTS with PROOF OF CLUBS used, along with both f9 & b9 CARDS and all the STATS!!!!! (see next post below for details) ***

    The tourney is open to all tiers and levels. We'll all be using the same clubs, balls, green speeds, and lies.

    PLEASE NOTE: the tourney link (when live from Thursday on) will take you directly to the game client, and if you do not have full Starter Clubs and Ball equipped, you'll get a warning message. Shoe sets these up as equipment-restricted events: please make sure you have only the original free Starter clubs equipped. 

    We really do want to encourage newbies to give it a go. It's a great chance for new players (who may be more familiar than old fogies with these clubs) to pit themselves against the best on WGT, and for the experienced player, it's a opportunity to revisit the fun of playing the game without the pressure of needing to make a birdie on almost every hole.

    Here are the tournament dates and conditions (so you can all get some practice in!).

    R1 :: Thu 8/13 to Wed 8/19 ::

    18 holes; St AndrewsYellow (Medium) tees, High Wind, Champ13 greens, Hard pins, Uneven Lies, equipment restricted to Starter Clubs and Ball

    R2 :: Thu 8/20 to Wed 8/26 ::

    18 holes; St AndrewsWhite (Hard) tees, Mod wind, Tourney12 greens, Easy pins, Uneven Lies, equipment restricted to Starter Clubs and Ball



    WGTdbloshoe is generously offering a sleeve (of good balls) to the top 5 finishers across two completed rounds.

    Other prizes will be announced below shortly, depending on what donations come in. Please feel free to offer something if you are so moved! As with prior Tough-It-Out events there'll be special prizes in different categories. And, of course, it would be great if any participants are willing and able to Twitch their rounds.

    Any questions, please feel free to ask here in the thread.

    Thanks, and have fun!


    (event starts Thu 8/13: 1st Rnd ends Wed 8/19)


    Please do remember to take care equipping your bag properly ahead of play (i.e. before clicking on the link to enter):

    This tournament is only to be played with the full Starter Club set:

    Starter Driver,

    Starter 3W,

    Starter 3H,

    Starter Sand Wedge,

    Starter Lob Wedge,

    Starter Iron Set,

    Starter Putter,

    and Starter Ball.


    P.S: Just in case it isn't obvious to everyone: FocusBoost has no place in a Tough-It-Out event.

    The whole point of these tournaments is that we are all experiencing the same conditions, with the same clubs, balls... & the same challenging meter speed.

    I hope and trust that no-one will try and use FocusBoost in these events. Thank you!

  • Corwyn
    2,410 Posts
    Tue, Aug 11 2015 5:10 AM

    <reserved for prizes info>


    WGTdbloshoe will award a sleeve to the top 5 players on the final leaderboard (provided they post proof of clubs used along with cards and stats, for each round)

    In addition... there will be Special Prizes, which will be announced below (and are subject to the same requirements as the leaderboard prizes).

    If anyone wants to be a sponsor, or has another particular prize they think should be offered, please let me know.

    Possible Special Prizes: these are the categories we've offered in the past. Some or all, may be on offer this time depending on sponsorships.

    1) Highest overall percentage of Greens in Regulation  (tiebreaker: AveDistancePin)  SPONSORED: Corwyn

    2) Closest Ave. Distance to the Hole              SPONSORED: Corwyn      

    3) Greatest overall total distance made putts      SPONSORED: bhoese

    4) Longest putt made     SPONSORED: bhoese

    5) 'Sticking With It Award' 

    6) Least Number of Bogeys or Worse 

    7) Most Number of Birdies or Better  

    8) Most 1-Putt Saves (as determined by scorecard) 


    Stats spreadsheet for special prizes for St Andrews TIO event here


    I'll sponsor longest putt and total distance of made putts.

    I'm going to add sponsorship for 2 sleeves, one for best GIR and one for Closest Ave. Distance to Pin.


    Remember: To be in the running for special prizes, please note you will need to share video or screenshots proving clubs used, and your full scorecard and stats.

    Tips on how to take screenshots are here: and here.

    This Video shows specifically how to make the required Greenshot image and this one shows what to do if you wish to submit Video Evidence instead.

    If anyone's having difficulty with Hovering over the bag for the Greenshot image, please see this post.

    And, here's my own How-To video on Posting Screenshots to the Forum thread:

    My recommended free hosting service is: -- free, and no signup required) which will provide you with a 'direct link' which you paste in after clicking the 'Insert Media' button above.


    Again, any donations of prizes will be gratefully accepted! Don't be shy... !

  • Corwyn
    2,410 Posts
    Tue, Aug 11 2015 5:11 AM

    <reserved for screenshot examples and tips>

    Here's an example from an earlier TIO tourney of the kind of screenshot postings we're looking for...

    EDIT: I have a new example from a practice round I played this evening, matching the conditions of R1 of this event.

    EDIT #2 (8/13 11pm): In the interests of consistency, I'm updating this post to contain the more fully-explained, and better videos and examples from the Oakmont thread instead.

    Thus, you will see below an example of the screenshots required, in particular please pay careful attention to what is expected in the Greenshot screengrab:

    Things to note:

    • I've pasted each separate item together (using a photo-editing program), but you can submit them as separate images if that's easier.

    • Please only resize down for forum posting to 450px width: please also retain ability for us to right-click/open image to see in legible size. And please also leave the pics active: don't delete them from your photo-service account before the prize-giving is concluded Thanks!

    • The first pic, a Greenshot on the Last Hole achieves the following:

    1. Confirms Wind and Green Speed conditions, and by switching to Full/Chip/Pitch shot mode displays Lie conditions (confirming Uneven Lies). (We just switch to a club other than the putter in order to show the conditions as best as possible: we switch back to hit the actual final shot!)

    2. Shows score after 17th hole, which can be matched to scorecard.

    3. Proves that Starter ball was used.

    4. Confirms clubs used during the round (as far as is possible given the constraints presented by WGT's programming).

    Our best method to achieve this is to do what we've dubbed a "BagShot" - switch to Full/Chip/Pitch mode on the final green (or any of the last few holes), and hover over the bag before doing a keystroke screengrab.

    IMPORTANT: I have selected the 3H (which is the highlighted club in the numerical club list), but have then hovered over the 3W to enable it to display in the bottom row along with its distance rating 205yds. This offers proof for both of those clubs in one screenshot. The 3H graphic is also displayed as the club in the avatar's hands, offering further verification (note, one can choose a camera view to best display the avatar and club: in this instance I moved the view round until I got one that showed the club in hand as clearly as possible).

    Here's a brief video showing how I made the Greenshot image below.

    [The Hover over followed by screengrab can be tricky for someone new to it: on a Mac, you just click Command-Shift-4. For Windows, please see this post.]

    Edit: 8/14: If you absolutely can't manage to do the Hover over, you can provide 4 separate versions of the Greenshot, with 3W, 3H, SW and LW shown in each.

    For eligibility for prizes, don't forget to also post screenshots of all stats tabs. 

    How-To video: Stitching together your Greenshot, Scorecards, & Stats images.

    How-To video: Uploading your final pic to an image-hosting service & posting it.



    If you have video or streaming capability, please do share a recording of your round, and include in the recording a view of the equipment profile [click on your player name, then on the Equipment tab during the round]. Please also include a quick note of the right time point to find this information.

    Alternatively, if your set-up doesn't allow you to record while playing without making the meter unmanageable, you can record a tiny segment of video just before the conclusion of the round that will satisfy the verification requirements.

    With my old Mac, I can't stream or even run any of the fancy recording software needed for Twitch etc, but even old Macs do come with QuickTime Player which offers a simple Screen Recording option. Look and see if your computer has something similar.

    You can offer video evidence of clubs used that need only be a few seconds long.

    Start your recording while on the last green with your current score and conditions visible: click on your player name, then on Equipment, which will display your club set: please click through each club in the bag. Close the Equipment profile and then quickly visit Menu > Scorecard to click through B9, F9, and all 4 Stats tabs before closing back out. Then stop the recording, and save it somewhere. You can now complete your round without any impact on CPU memory due to the recording process as you won't need it while playing any shots. Upload this brief clip to YouTube or similar and post the link in the Forum thread.

    Here's an example of what is required as Video Evidence:

  • bhoese
    679 Posts
    Tue, Aug 11 2015 6:28 AM

    Welcome back Corwyn! 

    I'll sponsor longest putt and total distance of made putts.

  • Corwyn
    2,410 Posts
    Tue, Aug 11 2015 9:56 PM

    Thanks Ben! That's great, and super generous of you to cover those two prizes.

  • MatildaIgaly
    1,822 Posts
    Tue, Aug 11 2015 10:37 PM

    Welcome back, Corwyn!


  • Corwyn
    2,410 Posts
    Wed, Aug 12 2015 12:19 AM

    Thanks Mati!

    FYI all: for anyone who saw the thread earlier Tuesday, I've now updated the screenshot example in the post above, spelling out the requirements.

    Please feel free to ask questions if anything is unclear.

  • fmagnets
    3,640 Posts
    Thu, Aug 13 2015 7:48 AM

    72 - a decent round, despite loads of makeable putts missed, until the last hole. A brain fart meant I played 37 on the meter instead of 27, putted off the front of the green, and turned a possible birdie into a double :-( Clubs and stats from 43:30 onwards in the vid....

  • roidrage03
    399 Posts
    Thu, Aug 13 2015 2:45 PM

    76 here. Could have been better - missed chances for birdies/pars that I'd like to have back.

    Video of clubs: (MP4 Video plays in Chrome if I hover over it, but not if I click the link. Doesn't seem to work in Maxthon) STA.mp4

    Click here to play this video



  • Corwyn
    2,410 Posts
    Thu, Aug 13 2015 11:22 PM

    @Mags: Thanks for the timestamp for your video (and thanks again for providing the full round video recording: it's such a great gift to players in the community, new and old, to see a master take on these courses with gear that anyone can load up and try and emulate the top scores).

    @roidrage: I was able to open your video in a new tab and get it to play, so yes, that video evidence works! Thank you.

    157 entries so far (as at 11pm Day 1) and only 2 submissions to consider for prizes ... and 100% of them meeting the requirements. Hooray! Wish I could say the same about the Oakmont event :(

    Good luck everyone, and please do pay careful attention to the Screenshot/Video Evidence post above if you wish to be considered for prizes.

