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Sat, May 29 2021 1:02 PM (29 replies)
  • flopperboy2
    753 Posts
    Sat, Sep 5 2015 3:00 PM

    good companion list

    i hope othere players will add there names hear

    if you like to play 9/holes 18/holes .

    and dont quit games.other players will pick you all day long

    and you can make good friends heat    ok my info is

    level 82,tier master ave,score,69,45

    g food luck  to all


  • mathia14
    1,271 Posts
    Sat, Sep 5 2015 3:17 PM

    I've never quit a game.  Win or lose.  But WGT likes the "unexpected error" message.  Or blue screen.  I don't think those will be addressed by the programmers.  I mostly play with buds that I've know for years & we skype so we can keep in touch when the game takes a dump.  Discons happen.  (thanks WGT)

  • FarFoo
    2,921 Posts
    Sat, Sep 5 2015 5:39 PM


    Next time your setting up a game , when someone comes in, you`ll see a color coded button after they`re name. Run you cursor over it. You`ll see that people who have a high percentage of finishing they`re games are green. People who DON`T finish they`re games  , are orange or yellow. That`ll give you an idea of whether of not they might finish. Surprized you didn`t know that... 

    It's a guide. but with so many disconnects & "unexpected error" & taking so long to get back in, apparently I'm 'yellow' now ,& I never intentionally quit in 5 years.

    So another wgt metric that becomes meaningless I think

  • mathia14
    1,271 Posts
    Wed, Sep 9 2015 9:10 AM


    It doesn't take more than an afternoon to enter some solo RG's and Blitzes and get your status back to green.

    If you aren't prepared to do that then I'm afraid there are people here who won't entertain starting a round with you - of which I am one.

    If you are yellow and claim that it's all down to WGT - then there's a damn good chance that you have an unhealthy computer/browser/connection - and once again you would be a bad prospect to begin a game with.

    It annoys me to start a game with 4 players , put a CC card on it to get 500 exp points for my club - only to finish the round with just one other player and receive only 200 points.

    The classic yesterday was being told by a Legend that my ass was going to be whupped at St A  front 9- one shot later I holed my 2nd for an Eagle.  He actually disconnected as the ball landed 8" behind the hole , and I just heard it go in as the exclamation mark came up on the screen!!

    Yep - for me it's zero tolerance for anything but greenies , and even that is becoming a poor indication as to whether someone will finish.

    I set up a stroke-play game today and a Legend joined the game. We sat there and watched reds and yellows come and go - after calling me all the names under the sun , and he said he totally agreed with my stance.     He then said to hurry up as he was on the patio with a laptop and the battery didn't have long!!  I asked if he had Windows 10 and Chrome by any chance and the reply was yes.




    That sux.  But anymore there are more discons on here.  I will admit that some bail.  I never have or every will.  Just the nature of the beast.  They hate to have their ego's deflated like New England Patriots football.

  • mathia14
    1,271 Posts
    Wed, Sep 9 2015 12:12 PM

    I will play anybody & do my best.  If I lose, I lose.  Won't be the 1st or the last.  The butercups that quit need to suck it up.

  • Toddog88
    7 Posts
    Wed, Sep 9 2015 12:32 PM

    I try to play a friendly game with anyone. If they start losing they just quit the game on you.  Cant we just play win or lose..


  • Toddog88
    7 Posts
    Wed, Sep 9 2015 12:35 PM

    Toddog88   Tour Pro level 61....Just want to play!


  • JimbeauC
    5,835 Posts
    Wed, Sep 9 2015 12:57 PM

    A couple of years ago I felt the urge for a multi game. Friendlist was full of red, so decided to ask a Random to play. First hole at Kia, I drop my approach to a couple of feet. Whoosh - gone. So I set up another at Beth. You guessed it. Dropped my approach to around three feet. Gone. 

    I haven't asked a Random to play since. I'm just patient enough to wait for one from my CC to go green. 

  • mathia14
    1,271 Posts
    Wed, Sep 9 2015 1:01 PM


    A couple of years ago I felt the urge for a multi game. Friendlist was full of red, so decided to ask a Random to play. First hole at Kia, I drop my approach to a couple of feet. Whoosh - gone. So I set up another at Beth. You guessed it. Dropped my approach to around three feet. Gone. 

    I haven't asked a Random to play since. I'm just patient enough to wait for one from my CC to go green. 

    wow!!!  I'll play you sometime.  All fun anyway.  I'll send you a friend request.