hpurey: Another one for the "unknown" community members? ;-)
They must have a in - house competition, who got the best update addition to frustrate our customers. Anything that will make customers happy is a bad idea and gets put to bottom of pile. (or thrown in just to fool us that they are trying to make game better)
WGT progs: Ok we will give hpurey yellow callies, but for that we must add another 4 things to really annoy them. A yes, Shoe that blue screen is a good idea, Good Icon, causing the chat box to stop functioning when they're typing will deffo go under their radar. Pizza, I think making Nikes $10 a pack will have to wait until October when the masssive update occurs, when not only is there a blue screen, but a yellow screen especially for hpurey which says dance on this you green finger gardener"