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Tough-It-Out VT September event: Chambers Bay

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Fri, Nov 13 2015 5:25 AM (110 replies)
  • Corwyn
    2,410 Posts
    Sun, Sep 13 2015 1:55 PM

    Looks like Andy just beat you to that prize sponsorship, Dave... but I'll put you down for Longest Putt instead.

    Thank you so much Dave and Andy for sponsoring these prizes!!!

  • alcaucin
    9,041 Posts
    Sun, Sep 13 2015 2:06 PM

    Nw's C.. and belated gratz on the landslide Labour Party leadership win !!  :-)))

  • Zayante
    45 Posts
    Sun, Sep 13 2015 7:17 PM

    Nothing to write home about, seemed every approach was 205 into the wind ... very impressed with scores in the low 70's

  • DaniUnchained
    44 Posts
    Mon, Sep 14 2015 1:38 AM

    Hi Corwyn,

    what's wrong with my screenshots? I did the mouse over the hybrid like last month, but i'm not on the spreadsheet. Thanks

  • xxxhogheadxxx
    949 Posts
    Mon, Sep 14 2015 11:34 AM

    no worries Corwyn.

    I'll get it correct for next time.  GL all.

  • alcaucin
    9,041 Posts
    Mon, Sep 14 2015 11:58 AM

    what's wrong with my screenshots? I did the mouse over the hybrid like last month, but i'm not on the spreadsheet.

    Patience Grasshopper....give him chance to update it. :-)

    Edit: Noticed we haven't a prize cat for best scrambling stats over 2 rounds....

    an integral part of good scoring in these comps, so.....

    I'll sponsor that cat too..sorry if it makes more stat work for you C. ;-))

  • mmyers0
    478 Posts
    Mon, Sep 14 2015 9:32 PM

    I used to really enjoy this event. Now I hate it. That is all.


    And all because we're pretty sure one person might have cheated at some point in the past.


    Highlights of the round that apparently I must have cheated on: - first good shot of the round, and it's for bogey on #7 - hit the flag from 141 on #10 - 8 ft. par putt #11 - 19 ft birdie #16 - make it back to back - or better, three in a row to close out

  • Corwyn
    2,410 Posts
    Mon, Sep 14 2015 10:54 PM

    I'm really sorry to hear that mm :(

    And, actually, yes, at least one person DID cheat. I happen to believe it's important that we as the community make it clear we won't turn a blind eye to cheats, even if WGT does (or has its hands tied).

    If you've read my first page post, you'd know that I hate this situation as well. I want WGT to fix the damn programming.

    I'm getting mighty tired of reading 'pissed-off' comments by players frustrated at these club proof requirements but whom I have every confidence are honest... but as you can see in this thread, the only way to run a tourney like this is by applying the same rules to everyone.

    I don't know that I'm going to carry on doing these events after this season... I will see out this VT till the end of the year, but to be honest, this is becoming too much of a headache.

    BTW: I used to really enjoy reading your thorough round-reports in these events. They will be much-missed.


  • Corwyn
    2,410 Posts
    Mon, Sep 14 2015 10:56 PM

    what's wrong with my screenshots? I did the mouse over the hybrid like last month, but i'm not on the spreadsheet. Thanks

    Hi Dani,

    I think you must still be being moderated. Your post wasn't there when I last went through all the posts to add to the spreadsheet. 

    no worries Corwyn.

    I'll get it correct for next time.  GL all.

    Thank you for being so understanding, hoghead. :)

    Edit: Noticed we haven't a prize cat for best scrambling stats over 2 rounds....

    an integral part of good scoring in these comps, so.....

    I'll sponsor that cat too..sorry if it makes more stat work for you C. ;-))

    Very generous of you, Andy! Thanks!!!

    I did actually just get today via PM a very kind offer from FluffyGreens to sponsor the 1-putt saves prize -- which I suspect may turn out to be almost identical to your Scrambling prize.

    I'm happy to add in a column for the Scrambling percentage and we can see if it amounts to pretty much the same thing... or, if you're already certain that it will, perhaps you'd like to sponsor Least Bogeys instead?


    Edit: Stats spreadsheet now up-to-date

  • alcaucin
    9,041 Posts
    Mon, Sep 14 2015 11:59 PM

    I'm happy to add in a column for the Scrambling percentage and we can see if it amounts to pretty much the same thing..

    Be an interesting test case...if same person gets both then we'll know it's a superfluous cat..

    I was thinking of someone maybe holing out from off the green 3 / 4 / 5 times over the rounds ?

    We'll soon see...too early in the Day for me to extrapolate :))