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Uneven Lies Ryder Cup @ Chambers Bay: Oct2015

Thu, Nov 12 2015 5:08 AM (315 replies)
  • Corwyn
    2,410 Posts
    Fri, Oct 23 2015 9:21 AM

    Because of Ab's withdrawal, Jerm65, who is first alternate for Team USA, automatically steps in to his place for the remaining matches.

    Since the next of these was proposed for tomorrow, I want to post the details right away. Note I am awaiting Jeremy's confirmation that he can indeed step into this gap, although it looks like it should work per the availability chart.



    The spreadsheet shows a bolded and bordered block of 2-3hrs for each match that is the suggested overlap.

    Here is a zoomed-in snapshot, showing the overlapping time for your group of 4. UTC time is on the top, WGT time in blue on the next row:

    MATCH D ::  Jerm65 & KyRock75              vs         FairwayRuepel68 & johehejo

    D :: Your group can only play on a weekend day. Your overlap is between 3pm-6pm UTC (8am-11am WGT time). Please schedule for Saturday 10/24 first (leaving Sun 10/25 as a fallback), at 3pm UTC (8am WGT time):

    Mike (KyRock75): your 11am local time.

    Ab (ab1983): your 11am local time

    Jeremy (Jerm65): your 9am local time

    Mark (FairwayRuepel68) your 5pm local time (if you choose Sun 10/25, it will be at 4pm!)

    Joerg (johehejo): your 5pm local time (if you choose Sun 10/25, it will be at 4pm!)

  • johehejo
    279 Posts
    Fri, Oct 23 2015 10:32 AM

    AS - half Point - but trouble again. 4 DCs - and no put by ruepel at last hole 4,7ft - time is over and WARNING. A blue screen - all went to the lobby, Ruepel restart the game - and holed the put. All says AS - thx for the great match gents.

  • rfpoul
    1,114 Posts
    Fri, Oct 23 2015 10:37 AM


    Just to keep things clearer, here's the full revision for Match C:

    Darn, unfortunately I will be busy in a workshop on monday and tuesday. So it will be better (to me) to schedule it on Thursday 29th, same UTC time.


    The spreadsheet shows a bolded and bordered block of 2-3hrs for each match that is the suggested overlap.

    Here is a zoomed-in snapshot, showing the overlapping time for your group of 4. UTC time is on the top, WGT time in blue on the next row:

    MATCH C ::  rfpoul & jaycen129                 vs         Daskino & Priestess

    C :: The only overlap for your group of 4 is weekdays, between 2pm-5pm UTC (7am-10am WGT time). Jaycen's preferred days are Tues-Thurs, [edit: and Lu has Mon-Tue commitment] so please try first for Tues, 10/27  now for Thursday 10/29 at 2pm UTC (7am WGT).  

    Note: since this match has to be after the DST change in Europe, I've already amended the spreadsheet to show the new Time Zone info for Lu and Tess.

    Remi (rfpoul): Thurs, 10/29, your 10am local time

    jaycen129: Thurs, 10/29, your 9am local time.

    Luciano (Daskino): Thurs, 10/29,your 3pm local time.

    Tess (Priestess): Thurs, 10/29,your 2pm local time.

    this works for me

    10,716 Posts
    Fri, Oct 23 2015 10:41 AM

    I am seeing a 3 and 2 win USA on that scorecard unless i am missing something

  • BigKnight
    2,777 Posts
    Fri, Oct 23 2015 10:43 AM

    What a match....I believe the ROW team is posting card & stats....

    First I was happy to represent USA again and fill in for AB, and to partner with Remi (rfpoul)

    The actual match was restarting on 12 tee with USA 1up

    (trying to do this from memory, was a last minute fill-in and didn't take my usual notes lol)

    If any of this wrong, feel free to correct!

    #12-(wind 26-28 left to right helping a little) Remi's drive hit the right shelf but bounced up to top shelf, I tried to run one up but had too much on it, would up in the hillside high & right

    FR (FairwayRuepel) played one off the slope to the left of the green, and it rolled all the way across and off the other side before rolling all the way back down perfectly below the hole.

    Jo's almost did the same but stayed above the cup on the ridge

    my sideways chip rolled off the green, my partner (remi) hit a nice putt from up top just to keep it near the hole. Jo's eagle effort from the top was dead center but due to the slope just a touch too hard and bounced out. FR calmly drained his eagle. AS

    #13 (25-27 tailwind) all four in fairway. My approach first to 2 yards. Remi's flew a little on him, was putting from back of green. Both FR and Jo were a touch right of the shelf with FR pin high and Jo a little short.

    Remi's lag was dead online but a couple of feet short. FR's putt just slid by low. Jo rolled in a nice birdie from the lower tier. I made mine from 5.7 AS

    #14 (26-28 headwind, touch right to left) all four in fairway but some crazy sidehills FR & Remi found the bunker on the approach, Jo managed to find the green (7 yards I think) and I was on line but short of green.

    FR had a tough lie but held it on the front of the green, Remi played a gem to 1 yard, my chip missed left, and Jo almost stole the hole with a beauty of a putt that just slid by. AS

    #15 (26-28 headwind touch left to right) Jo was pin high but in bunker right. I was 15 feet past the hole and slightly left. FR was on line but just short of green. Remi in front bunker.

    Jo had brutal lie in bunker, could not reach green. Remi played a nice shot to 2 yards. FR with a heck of a chip to 1 yard. I made the birdie putt USA 1up

    #16 (25-27 tailwind) huge drives by all of us with Remi and I both 35-40 yards short of green on the left side of fairway (lots of slope there!) FR hit a monster that reached the green but rolled to the rough front right of green. Jo was less than 20 yards from hole in fairway (another sidehill lie)

    I left my approach 22 feet above the cup. Remi was on line but a tad long 4 yards I think. Jo's pitch didn't hold and ran out to bottom of green. FR's chip/pitch was not quite enough and rolled back down to bottom of green

    I forget the putting order, but I think it was Jo's putt first...nice roll but just below the hole. THen I was fortunate to make mine from above the cup for birdie. FR had a very nice effort but couldn't answer. Remi's just slid low as well USA 2up

    #17 (22-24 right to left helping) I found the green but 17 feet short. Remi & FR both landed right of pin, but BOTH managed to stay out of bunker. Jo hit a beauty to 2 feet. THat birdie won the hole. USA 1up

    #18 (24-26 headwind little left to right) 4 drives left us all in the 240-255 range. with the wind and the lies, the only one to NOT catch the bunker on 2nd shot was FR. Remi's out of bunker stopped on the knob in front of green. Jo caught green but a little above hole...mine was actually in light brush (50-60% sidehiller) which I got to the green but it rolled up top. FR's third played perfectly to about 5 feet. Neither RF's chip nor my 60 footer went in...Jo's third slid by. Leaving RF with a putt to take the hole and square the match. Then there was a "time expired" message, of which RF said all he had was a blue screen before it reset. THat was his second time-out, so the computer gave him a shot penalty. He made the putt. The card shows a par, but both Remi and I think it should have been birdie. All four of us had a disco during the match, so WGT wasn't exactly perfect. We will leave it up to Corwyn to decide. (Either AS or USA 1up if the computer penalty stands)

    It was a great match. Regardless, it was an awesome comeback by ROW


  • johehejo
    279 Posts
    Fri, Oct 23 2015 10:44 AM

    We play 3 holes on Wednesday - and start the game today on hole 12. All DC - no screens. 

    Wednesday USA 1 up - win hole 10 - AS hole 11.

  • ColumbusStorm
    3,417 Posts
    Fri, Oct 23 2015 11:13 AM

    We will leave it up to Corwyn to decide. (Either AS or USA 1up if the computer penalty stands)

    Let me chime in before Corwyn rules.

    No penalty for what is expected to be a WGT error or series of error. I'm satisfied with stating the match as AS. 1/2 point for each.

    Thank you all for seeing this match through and dealing with WGT errors and some issues with Team USA.

    Go Team USA

  • Jerm65
    1,413 Posts
    Fri, Oct 23 2015 11:55 AM

    Note I am awaiting Jeremy's confirmation that he can indeed step into this gap,

    Consider it confirmed Corwyn.  I can make it tomorrow morning.

  • Corwyn
    2,410 Posts
    Fri, Oct 23 2015 12:50 PM

    That's great news Jeremy!


    And thank you Russ, for stepping in and applying such common sense! I always like it when I don't have to make a controversial ruling, lol.

    So, the Fourball series concludes with a half point each, making the overall score:

    Team ROW 3.5  |  Team USA 2.5

  • frenchconnect
    834 Posts
    Fri, Oct 23 2015 3:29 PM



    The spreadsheet shows a bolded and bordered block of 2-3hrs for each match that is the suggested overlap.

    Here is a zoomed-in snapshot, showing the overlapping time for your group of 4. UTC time is on the top, WGT time in blue on the next row:

    MATCH F ::  JJ656 & frenchconnect &       vs         fmagnets & Wontonamo

    Edit #2:

    MATCH F :: The only overlap for the 4 of you is weekdays, and that also rules out Friday (which is Tom's Saturday). Your time overlap window is 11pm-2am UTC (4pm-7pm WGT time). Mags has commitments Mons & Weds at these times, so the preferred day is Thu 10/29 at 11pm UTC (4pm WGT time).

    Please schedule for Thu 10/29, leaving Sun 11/1 as a fallback.

    JJ (JJ656): Thu 10/29, your 6pm local time  CONFIRMED

    Jon (frenchconnect): Thu 10/29, your 7pm local time

    Mags (fmagnets): Thu 10/29, your 9pm local time   CONFIRMED

    Tom (Wontonamo): Fri 10/30, your 9:30am local time  CONFIRMED

    (note Tom is 10.5hrs ahead and thus into the next day in Adelaide, Australia)

    Yes this works for me
