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Server Maintenance & Country Club Clash #8!!

Wed, Sep 30 2015 2:29 AM (87 replies)
  • oneeyedjohn
    9,582 Posts
    Sun, Sep 27 2015 2:57 PM

    I just played a regular match play with a guy in Italy. We had 5 DC's in the first 7 holes.

      Unexpected error

      exclamation mark

      frozen twice

      unexpected error

    one player  me - disqualified for 3 DC's, had to restart the match, luckily we had just completed the 9th hole.


    It is exasperating to the point I just don't wanna do it anymore.

  • ct690911
    7,205 Posts
    Sun, Sep 27 2015 4:10 PM

    "It is exasperating to the point I just don't wanna do it anymore."

    ......a similar angst for anyone married over 25 years....

    just sayin'


  • robinsroost
    205 Posts
    Sun, Sep 27 2015 6:07 PM

    you and me both brother

  • CanineSupervisor
    1,882 Posts
    Sun, Sep 27 2015 6:18 PM

    I understand it's 'server maintenance', but if you guys could fix this as well, we'd all be grateful.


  • oneeyedjohn
    9,582 Posts
    Sun, Sep 27 2015 7:26 PM

    Not to ment troughly irritting   Not to mention the thoroughly irritating problem with chat

  • bypass07
    1,360 Posts
    Sun, Sep 27 2015 9:09 PM


    Hi All,

    Just a heads up that early next week we will be having a server maintenance and the site will be down. Wanted to remind everyone who is in the Virtual Tour to post scores as soon as possible so no one is left out. 

    Also we will be having another Country Club Clash this weekend! Clash Will start on 9/26 @ 12:01 AM and will end 9/27 @ 11:59 PM Pacific Time. Hope to see Clubs turn out again for this event. Since Football season has started we will be using Football Markers and Flags this time!

    Each Clash will run for 4 Hrs and there will be bonuses for lowest round in that Clash, so try to shoot low! Prizes for winning this event will be CC passes and this will apply to the top 250 Clubs and as always, Grand Prize will be the MAX CC Putter  given to the Club that comes in First. The CC owner will get to decide who receives the putter. More information the Clash can be found here.

    All the Best,

    When Hockey starts will you give us pucks too ??

    Baseball playoff are starting too  -  go Jays !!

  • gsoup
    2,929 Posts
    Mon, Sep 28 2015 7:03 AM

    We get a warning about server maintenance..... when is this happening? 

    TELL US!!


  • tigerthriller
    9 Posts
    Mon, Sep 28 2015 8:40 AM

    Please focus on working on old bugs and removing commercials please. Cant seem to finish every other round...thanks for your help in advance

  • TheTnstick
    71 Posts
    Mon, Sep 28 2015 8:54 AM

    Where shall I start: being an American, I too agreed with all Nations that if you all are giving out markers they should not be Americanized...hence WORLD GOLF TOUR!..on the maintenance issue, do you all think maybe just maybe fix my owners powers in our cc(JUSTHAVINGFUN) to have them has been 4 months now since he lost those powers and you all keep asking him to show you all and not solve the problem and then send out a survey to ask if it was satisfied, which it wasn't cause not solved..please fix this problem or move us to a functional(meaning u set a new one with no cost ,same name of cc and all members transferred there) think maybe you all can do that...btw what powers do directors have...please fix that too where we as directors can actually invite people to cc(don't you think that is a good idea)....btw my cc owners powers were lost when u all did a maintenance update....very frustrating wgt!

  • hpurey
    11,505 Posts
    Mon, Sep 28 2015 10:00 AM


    We get a warning about server maintenance..... when is this happening? 

    TELL US!!


    Yea, just how late in the week is considered "early" to WGT?  LOL

    My guess is Wednesday night so then we can see what's new for the 1st of October.