Ryan .... just a few questions ... with all the new options available I think we need a bit more info. This is IF we play with someone. I have a suggestion below to help out.
If we play with someone --- Which tees and what wind conditions should we play from ?? Should the games be ranked so there will be a record on file in your profile ???
Also if you can put the WGT link back on the main page it would be good. Not sure where we stand week to week without it.
Now for my suggestion .... Instead of playing with people (it's hard to get this coordinated) - why don't you also allow for Ranked Rounds to count. For example I can play my 3 rounds quickly and fit them into my schedule by myself. As long as they are ranked there is a record in your profile .. and if anyone wants to challenge your score ... they can. The first score of the day would be the one that counts. Anyway just a thought.
Thanks much and thanks for taking on such a big project.