1enigma1: the Valley & lived in Northridge in 1994 ,
I was living in Toluca Lake at the time. The Northridge Quake came in the middle of the night (which is rare). That was definitely the scariest quake we have had here as far back as I can remember.
It felt like 6 dudes lifted my bed off the floor and dropped it from 6 feet in the air...I remember running outside into pitch blackness. The ONLY time I had ever seen LA totally blacked out...not a light to be seen. The after shocks were no picnic either; they went on for days.
I live in Malibu now where we get mudslides (if it rains - which it is supposed to all winter, I hear) and horrendous detours that force us to use one of two canyon roads out of the Bu...Maybe I should buy a boat (for the rains) and a helicopter (to escape the island in the event of a good shaker)...lol.
The subject of a significant magnitude quake on the San Andreas is pretty frightening, to say the least. I hear the movie is pretty good. Now, thanks to Lily, I'm going to have to watch it, I see...so I can lose some more sleep which I rarely get anyway.
Who doesn't love living in SoCal. Drought, brush fires, monsoons and quakes...anybody still want to move here?