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Every Day People CC Weekly Rewards.

Wed, Jul 13 2016 2:09 PM (127 replies)
  • MuthaPutter
    786 Posts
    Tue, Oct 20 2015 5:01 PM

    FREE BALLS awarded weekly and FREE CREDIT REWARDS available to members of

     The Every Day People CC


    We are the smallest club in the Top 20 (Currently 13th with 117 members as of 19th Oct) and we cordially invite you to join us on our inevitable rise to the No. 1 position.


     If you are on at least level 45, or the Master tier, and are happy to use your free pass on your first game of each WGT day, then please accept our invitation. There is a link to our home page at the bottom of this message, please click it and request to join.


     To find out more about our club, and the rewards we offer, please continue to read. We’re a friendly bunch with a focus. Come and join us; feel your tournaments come alive.



    Hi, and thanks for stopping by. Please see below for a list of The Every Day People Country Club’s reward tournaments. The majority are held weekly. All you have to do to be eligible for our weekly rewards is use your FREE PASS in one of our internal CC tournaments when you play your first game of each WGT day. That, and write a sentence or two about yourself in our “Who are you” discussion by way of an introduction.

    Peace,Love@Respect! :-)




    This is a tournament for Veterans only and alternates each week between the front & back 9 at St. Andrews. This is for helping players to get to the next tier. Unlimited stroke play. Winner receives a sleeve of G12-S balls.



    This is a tournament for Members only and alternates each week between the front & back 9 at St. Andrews. This is for helping players to get to the next tier. Unlimited stroke play. Winner receives a sleeve of G12-S balls.



    This tournament is for Veterans only. 18 holes Unlimited stroke play. A different course will be selected each week. Winner receives a sleeve of G12-S balls.



    This tournament is for Members only. 18 holes Unlimited stroke play. A different course will be selected each week. Winner receives a sleeve of G12-S balls.



    Open to all players. Closest to the hole, unlimited play. A different course will be selected each week. Winner receives a sleeve of G12-S balls.


    G12-S DOUBLE ROUNDER (2x3Day Rds.)

    Open to all players. The first round will be the front 9 and the 2nd round the back 9. Of the same golf course. A different course will be selected each week. Winner receives a sleeve of G12-S balls.


    G13-S USE 3PASS HERE BoP3s

    This weekly tournament is open to all players, it’s for using your Free Pass on when you play your first game of each new WGT day. It gains you the maximum CCxp without affecting your overall average score. So always complete your game to gain your CCxp. Winner receives a sleeve of G13-S balls.


    G13-S USE 3PASS HERE BoP5s

    This weekly tournament is open to all players, it’s for using your Free Pass on when you play your first game of each new WGT day. It gains you the maximum CCxp without affecting your overall average score. So always complete your game to gain your CCxp. Winner receives a sleeve of G13-S balls.



    This will be open to all tiers. FREE TO ENTER. It will consist of 2 rounds of 18 hole stroke play. Each round will last 5 days. The courses will be chosen by the Player who donates 500 credits to the EDPCC Reward Fund. This is a sponsored event. Each tournament a different Player will be the sponsor! If you would like to sponsor this tournament at least once. Get in touch with the Board of Directors.


    Premium Tournaments


    Open to the first 16 players to sign up only. 3 single rounds and a final. Different course/s will be selected each week. 25 credits to enter, winner takes all! 


    Non Weekly Rewards

    G13-S FRONT/BACK 9 CHALLENGE. 4 x 5 day rounds

    Open to all players, this tournament alternates between the front & back 9 of four different courses. Different course/s will be selected each week. Unlimited stroke play, winner receives a sleeve of G13-S balls.



    For every 100k CCxp a player earns the CC, and every subsequent 100k, a set of G12-S will be gifted to you.



    These tournaments are irregular events that offer credits to the winners. Formats will vary from one Logo Tournament to the next. These Logo Tournaments will from now on be ball limited to ensure all players get a fair crack at winning the rewards. Only players wearing our CC Logo as their profile picture will be eligible to enter these events.




    Format currently being devised. Like the real world golf tours. EDPCC Tour will occur over many courses over a period of weeks/months. Each event/course will consist of 4 x 5 day 18 hole rounds, unlimited matchplay. This will be a mega credit tour. Minimum 10,000 credits to be paid out between the top 10. However there will be an entry fee. All entry fees will go directly to enlarging the purse. Watch this space!! 



    We're a friendly bunch, we love the game, and we have a purpose; to reach and remain at the No. 1 spot on the WGT leader board. And we plan on having fun along the way. We have some fantastically talented players, and we have others who are in the process of getting there. We're not called every Day People because we're boring, or normal; we're called Every Day People because we strive to be better, and because we're committed.


    If you are happy to make the small commitment of playing your first game of the WGT day for the club, we’d love to welcome you into the club that has one focus; onwards and upwards.

    As promised, to go to our club’s home page to request membership, please click here.

  • hpurey
    11,521 Posts
    Tue, Oct 20 2015 6:02 PM


    Cool stuff !   GL with the club.

  • MuthaPutter
    786 Posts
    Wed, Oct 21 2015 4:48 PM

    Thank you for the pic and your good wishes, really appreciated :-) There are indeed many paths that lead to success; thankfully our path is appreciated by our members, and we appreciate them ...and we're having a blast along the way!!

     P,L@R! :-) 

  • MuthaPutter
    786 Posts
    Sun, Oct 25 2015 3:54 PM

    Our numbers are swelling at a manageable rate, and we'd love you to be a part of that, if you can give us that little bit of commitment. The rewards on offer are real, tangible and obtainable. Look forward to seeing you on the tees. P,L@R! :-)

  • PaulTon
    10,731 Posts
    Mon, Oct 26 2015 6:19 AM


  • MuthaPutter
    786 Posts
    Mon, Oct 26 2015 9:33 AM

    Thanks PaulTon, we just about beat you to it ;-) only kidding hehehehe

  • zipster2
    79 Posts
    Tue, Oct 27 2015 7:32 AM

    If your looking for a CC give Everyday People a serious look see. they have great  members and fantastic tourneys. lots of fun lots of action. zipster2

  • courteneyfish
    15,796 Posts
    Tue, Oct 27 2015 7:58 AM

    Sell your soul for the price of a sleeve of balls. 

  • MuthaPutter
    786 Posts
    Tue, Oct 27 2015 4:58 PM

    The rewards are nothing more than a token of my appreciation! To anyone willing to spend any of their time which is priceless! When deciding to play this brilliant golf game. At our country club which is taking WGT by storm! You only have to check the top 50 to see we are more then giving the other CC's a good run for their money with only half the members! We are only 6months old yet have achieved what its taken others years to accomplish! One FREE PASS a day is what it costs to be a member! You can keep your Soul you'll need it no doubt! Peace,Love@Respect! :-)

  • roddy1234
    880 Posts
    Thu, Oct 29 2015 1:51 AM


    Sell your soul for the price of a sleeve of balls. 

    ...and the members of The Peoples Club sell theirs ...for what exactly? 

    I never realised that taking part and getting involved in a country club on WGT came with such a heavy price, or perhaps you prefer the stick method, rather than the carrot.

    Oh well, different strokes for different folks I guess.

    Onwards and upwards.
