True CC tests;
Paulfinns`s xmas challenge
Paulfinn`s pending Mini World Cup
Any Club v Club friendlies
Throw in any event ran by Carlo and Abq also, even though they generally not CC orientated
Sorry if missed any to add to above
Seperate issue, the strongest cc`s are not those at highest level, even though i respect them and they are still good ccs. Some clubs only have 50 to 100 members as choose that way, and their earnings far outway other CCS at higher level.
A club has 50 members with 40 champs and TLs with 80 to 100% activity
A club has 250 members with 15 Champs and TLs with 20 to 25% activity
who is strongest CC ?
Just my opinion, and this is what Clash creates.