Well if I was office manager,I would be like "Hey,we posted out 352 legitimate emails to our adoring membership,so how come you people used up 704 stamps?"
And then the office juniors who send out the emails would look at each other,denial writ large in every eye,until they all settled on the latest addition to the team,who would go "Oh crap" and there you have it.The culprat is the the numpty tame galloot who it turns out,was mailing twice to everyone due to the fact that he/she was texting her best buddy instead of paying attention,and therefore using up twice the amount of stamps costing a blooming fortune.
So,if I Was the office manager,I would then invent an incredible ball idea,whereby a ball with a fancy name and no other attributes whatsoever would go on sale toute de suite at like 50p per ball,thus recouping all the wasted expenditure on excess stamps.
After that I would ensure that all emails went out with the wrong stamps on,so that the aforementioned adoring membership would have to pay the postman to receive the mails,which would only contain information about the balls that cost a lot but dont actually DO anything anyway.This I sincerely believe,would further endear the adoring membership,and spur them on to purchase the whole new ball concept,and to write back saying how great the office management was,and may I please have two dozen sleeves of the worthless balls,oh,and here,please accept some stamps so that you can write back to me to confirm my purchase.
And this I think,just goes to prove that really,I should be the office manager.I would also make everyone bring in a potted plant to the office,but not curry ones because they make me hungry.
Maybe I might open a new section in the forums entitled "Rambles" where people could write about anything,go off topic,flame(whatever that is) or do anything else they pleased.
On second thoughts,wouldn't be much point because who would do that anyway?
I would also ban ebay.I was just on there looking for Firelighters and I ended up with 156,074 matches.sheesh.
Gotta go,theres no one at the door,but what if there was?
Lizzie xx