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Can credits be purchased with a Visa gift card?

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Sun, Aug 9 2009 7:47 AM (14 replies)
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  • nivlac
    2,188 Posts
    Sat, Aug 8 2009 2:58 PM

    I say that because as I've mentioned 2 or 3 times already, a player I know from WGT has an Electronic Use Only card and he has so far been rejected each time he has tried to use it.  Based on that and what I've read online, I advised caution to US citizens to avoid possibly putting themselves in the same situation.  That is not a broad sweeping generalization, it's a warning based on what I already know.  If I wish to advise caution based on past experience, then please do not criticize me for doing so.

    I realize readers non-US readers and players come to these forums.  You yourself even, so I'm unclear as to the reasons why you would feel the need to point that out to someone who's been here and has been as active on the forums as long as I.  Clearly, anyone would be aware of that simply by taking notice.  My one post includes a parenthesized "here in the US" disclaimer, so internationals need not apply because obviously based on your past experience, it seems to be a non-issue. However, the OP is from the United States and my answer was intended to be directed at him.

    Were these last few posts really necessary?  Why must you butt heads with everyone?  I realize you're trying to help as well, but couldn't you just say something to the effect of "it worked for me but I'm not in the US" and leave it at that?

  • Faterson
    2,902 Posts
    Sat, Aug 8 2009 3:19 PM

    Were these last few posts really necessary?

    Nothing is necessary in the world of discussion forums. To your initial post, which was not qualified as a statement applying to US users only, I replied with exactly 5 lines of text. The remaining 2 paragraphs were for staff. To those 5 lines, you replied with 3 paragraphs of your own, opening them with "Lol, it's not untrue." So, please, don't accuse me of wanting to butt heads with others, or of launching unnecessary debates. You chose to discuss the issue of credit cards at length, and I joined you in that discussion. That is all, and no harm has been done, I hope.    I greatly enjoy your forum posts and you are definitely a model forum contributor if there ever was one.

    As to the sweeping generalizing statements by you, there were 2, none of them qualified as "meant only for US users":

    You need to make sure that it doesn't say "electronic use only" on the back. Those cards can only be swiped through a machine and can't be used online!

    Just make sure it doesn't say electronic use only. Then there is absolutely no doubt

    I simply felt it would be useful to point out that the matter isn't as clear-cut as the above 2 statements might suggest.

  • nivlac
    2,188 Posts
    Sat, Aug 8 2009 3:32 PM

    "lol, it's not untrue" was in response to your very blunt "That's not true" in your first response.  Though I may have not been completely correct, I felt the advice of caution was the important thing, not the technical details of  various types of cards and I felt as though that was overlooked.

    I don't claim to be an expert, just a guy trying to help out.  Those statements may not be perfectly clear-cut, but it is guaranteed to keep the OP out of any potential trouble.  That was my sole intent.

    Thank you for the comments and someday you can teach me how to use a comma properly. :)

  • Snaike
    3,678 Posts
    Sat, Aug 8 2009 10:51 PM

    I have advised others to use said 'gift cards' and have had heard nothing back in the negative... but still, one should always use a bit of caution when dealing with money.  I do know that there is a difference between a visa/mc debit card and a bank debit card.. ie the bank debit card can not be used electronically if there is no means to enter the PIN...  These type of cards would be rejected by WGT I would assume.

    On to another note... Moderater, please remove the 2 posts above mine for irrelevance and abuse.  Oh.. nevermind.

  • Fuzzygazz
    1,469 Posts
    Sun, Aug 9 2009 7:47 AM

    As you see by arme's post it takes a while for WGT to see this and today is Sunday. (This is the same guy who wanted CAPS). 

    Caveat emptor..for the purchaser.

    You both seem to just want to help the players nice job. WGT does need to at least proof read the instructions for purchasing options. Read the fine print folks. Group hug.

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