there should be different courses to play. playaing the same ones over and over gets old!
It's a beta, the WGT team has said time and time again that they are working to implement more courses.
Yup! ^^^
please make some new courses these one are getting boring.
I feel asleep because of the courses...
We hear you loud and clear! We are travelling the world to photograph new courses for the stroke play and closest-to-the-hole games right now!
I really hope that we do not get another CTTH course before a full course. I think that would drive me insane.
Yah!... and closest-to-the-hole games... sounded like a threat to some, probably! It would be a big if this was done at the expense of variable pin locations & new stroke-play courses, clearly the 2 most requested features by site users.
To the WGTadmin...
I used to build alot of courses for EA sports and Sierra PGA 2000..Im very impressed by your elevation work on your courses...very accurate! Are you using gps info for the elevation changes? Or by the good old eyeball....Inquisitive minds want to know!
well played sir well played