Dear Henry .
Forum Posting Mistakes That Make You Look Like a Jerk.
Taking a Tone. -
If you wouldn’t say it to someone’s face, don’t say it in a forum. And even if you would say it someone’s face, think twice about saying it in a forum.
Thinking People Can Read Your Mind.-
I’m guilty of this one myself. You get zoned in on a problem and obsess over it. Then you head over to a forum and blurt out a fireball, assuming we’re all on the same page.
Forum posting tip : Make your best effort to identify the root of your problem – is it your theme, a single plugin . Narrow down the problem as far as you can .
Repeating Your Question . -
Oh ho, I like this one. The World Wide Web is a big place, so if you don’t get help in a particular forum thread, I’ll just tweak and re-post in different threads, ad-naseum, until somebody helps .
Forum posting tip: Make sure you’ve posted in the right spot and be patient. While you’re waiting on a response, keep digging for a solution, or just move on to something else for a bit. Sometimes questions go unanswered out there, so be prepared to find alternative solutions..
Any time someone is incredibly rude or demanding, sentence them to 6 months hard labour reading your threads .. if they could stand in your shoes a bit, they might not be such a jerk next time..
Now, I know none of your dear readers are jerks (at least not on purpose), but I’d still like to issue the challenge: