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Hitting the ball further

rated by 0 users
Wed, Mar 9 2011 1:38 AM (1 replies)
  • banebdjed
    43 Posts
    Tue, Mar 8 2011 7:37 PM

    I think WGT should offer people the chance to be able to hit upto 10% further than the distance value of their club.

    My point is that even using the same clubs not all players on a golf course will hit the same distance nor will their golf swing be the same speed and WGT players should be able to decide if they want to add a bit of muscle into their shot.

    I think WGT should offer this oppurtunity by adding onto the end of the meter that decides the power of a players swing, a red box. If a player decides to increase his swing into the red then depending upon how far into the red he goes the distance off his shot will increase. If he decides to only venture into the red by 1% then the distance of his shot would only increase by 1%. If he decides to go for the maximum 10% then the distance of his shot would increase by 10%. Therefor if he is driving with a club that can hit 225 yards and he increased his swing into the box by the maximum allowed his total distance average hit would increase to 247.5 yards.

    However on a real golf course adding speed and muscle comes with extra difficulties and it should be no different in WGT. 

    when a player ventures into the red the speed of his swing should increase and the meter should go faster than the meter he is already using. For example, if he ventures 1% into the red then his meter speed would increase further by one percent increasing the chances of missing the centre of the ball and hooking or slicing the shot. If he ventured the maximum 10% into the red, then the speed of his meter would increase by 10% on top of the meter speed he is already using therefor increasing his chances of miss hitting the shot even further.


    I think this would be a great idea and something WGT should look into

  • zagraniczniak
    1,984 Posts
    Wed, Mar 9 2011 1:38 AM

    That's essentially how it was on the old Links games and some other golf games.