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Has anyone played xxxxxxxxxx?

Mon, May 9 2011 10:27 AM (51 replies)
  • lvietri
    3,326 Posts
    Fri, Apr 8 2011 3:28 AM

    Bear with him Suncity ..... this same person goes by many names.  He makes accounts everytime one gets closed out.  He's got issues.


  • TwiggSr
    23 Posts
    Fri, Apr 8 2011 5:48 AM


    Bear with him Suncity ..... this same person goes by many names.  He makes accounts everytime one gets closed out.  He's got issues.



    LOL they make a new name but forget about that stupid IP addy lol


  • SunShine705
    31 Posts
    Fri, Apr 8 2011 10:33 AM

    I totally agree that wgt should count match play challenges, then would love to see what my true average and all would be, I'm not bragging or anything, but i am a good player.... That does count for something, and P.S I am not intentionally being a sandbagger as they call it, but if that is what the deffinition is well guess i am.... But dosen't my playing ability count for anything, check my stats now, they are impressive...Well take care everyone, see you out there...

  • SunShine705
    31 Posts
    Fri, Apr 8 2011 10:42 AM

    Hello SunCity, I don't intentionally level up to get these equipments, just is how it is, i don't like regular play, only games i like in here is alt, match, blitze and closest to hole, I woulden't have any problem with wgt regulating match play games as well, would just mean would make everything that much more equal, i'm game for that also.... but till then im just going to have fun.... Well tc and see you out there maybe....  by the way i think my stats is quit impressive, so i think its not just the fact about my equipment and all, ive seen many legend players who tee off further back than me, and i have same equipment as them, and i still get my butt kick, explain that one ev1, I will, i am just *** hot..... hehe...

  • MrDonVito
    472 Posts
    Fri, Apr 8 2011 1:44 PM

    I just ran into SunShine705 in a MPC. Decent player, probably belongs in the master tier, but definitely not as good as most of the sandbaggers i have run into. 

    Chalk this one up to wgt's crappy rules. To bad they don't listen to our suggestions.

    "Don't hate the playa, hate the game" 

  • ChrisBurgess
    4 Posts
    Tue, Apr 19 2011 7:21 PM

    When we played in our one-sided match, I asked how you can get to that level without moving beyond the PRO status.  By playing CTTH and Match Play on a daily basis you are able to increase your level, with out increasing your status, that allows you to purchase the higher end equipment then you are able to pummel unsuspecting suckers in the Challenges from the chick tees.  Oh, it helps to have a chick avatar because the vast majority of the people playing this game are hard-up guys.

    Thank you, for the advice.  Let me know how I can repay you. 

  • bbeards4
    189 Posts
    Tue, Apr 19 2011 7:50 PM

    If WGT ever decides to count Match Play wins in their formula for tiers .... Sandbagging will become as extinct as the Dinosaur.  


    Yea WGT.... Why would you let this obvious loophole exist???  I love your program, website, peeps, and killer little thing you have here... but man... pretty freaking lame... and bad (IMO of course)...

    bbeards4 (CLINT)