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Thu, Oct 27 2016 4:05 PM (118 replies)
  • mkrizan86
    1,866 Posts
    Fri, Jul 15 2016 5:26 AM


    So, after years of listening to players whine, how unfair it is to make them play against people, who are more skilled than them, WGT finally got tired of it and set up a comp, where they can at least feel victorious ;-)

      Wow dude . I had no idea some one could be that far into left field . That is an incredible theory though . And of course you are entitled to feel that way . Even if you are the only one .

       Hate to break it to you . But these events were created to generate revenue from every type of WGTer there is . Good or bad , rich or poor , skilled or not . Period . And you know what ? They hit a home run .

    Erm, so you're saying I shouldn't waste sarcasm on you, huh? Everybody knows, these were generated strictly for revenue and that my "reason" was a joke. But you. That's why you were the only one who felt the urge to correct me ;-)

    But the fact remains, that this has become the perfect playground for people, who tend to string pars one after the other and then enjoy a group "win" of mediocracy ;-) No serious and skilled players plays these things, nor do they buy passes.


  • mkrizan86
    1,866 Posts
    Fri, Jul 15 2016 5:30 AM


    I hope you understand this the way it was meant to sound. Cause the last time I tried to let you in on something, you didn't seem to. In another thread, you said you can hardly find a multi. I then sent you a link to a CC, who I think has a bunch of them (just my opinion, no real proof, as I wrote in that thread). You then asked me: "What's the refference" regarding that CC, you contacted them and asked them, if they would be willing to play an inter CC comp with your CC, lmao.

      Okay so what is so LMAO about that ? Lol isn't that the way it is done ? Of course it is . That CC and I are arranging a CC vs CC interplay match . Thanx for the tip . 

      BTW you sent me a link to a CC . I had no clue who you were or why you would send me a link to a CC . But thanx for the link . I have a new friend . 

    I assumed you at least read responses to your post. Page 4, post 6, 2nd paragraph


    Won't be making the same mistake again.


  • mkrizan86
    1,866 Posts
    Fri, Jul 15 2016 6:48 AM


    No serious and skilled players plays these things, nor do they buy passes.

      Could someone else clue this guy in ? He isn't going to learn anything from me .

    Yes, please do ;-)

    Tens of thousands of skilled players enjoy these events regularly . 

    Name 10. That count in, let's say, WGT top 500 (red tee warriors don't qualify).

    Millions and millions of dollars on a weekly basis .

    If you really think that, I'm not sure what is left to say, but gl and get well soon.

    I shamefully have spent easily over $ 1000.00 in these events alone

    27 CLASHES x $ 25.00 = $ 675.00


    What is it then, 675 or over 1000?

    To spend 25$ on passes (per each clash) you'd have to buy 67 passes per clash. you do realise that rounds you play are visible in your score history, right? And so are the bought passes. I've figured you were full of it way back, but not this full ;-)

    Now why would anyone take anything you say seriously? And why would anyone be upset by it, lol.




  • DodgyPutter
    4,690 Posts
    Fri, Jul 15 2016 8:21 AM

    To spend 25$ on passes (per each clash) you'd have to buy 67 passes per clash. you do realise that rounds you play are visible in your score history, right? And so are the bought passes. I've figured you were full of it way back, but not this full ;-)

    To be fair Jure he did buy five or so and gift about 15 of the silly things, so call it $8.  Mind you that's 15 other folk didn't buy.

    Whatever he has spent he seems to have started seeing the futility of it  "shamefully have spent easily over $ 1000.00 in these events alone" before the dodgy maths with the the even dodgier, unmarked, edit.

    Part of which is; "There are tens of thousands of players that have spent 100 times to 1000 times more than I . Do the math ." So i'll try.  

    (Tens is plural so I'll go for the minimum) 20,000 people have spent (and mid point of 100-1,000 times) 500 times more than you. You've spent over $1,000 so they've spent $500,000 each (cough)  x 20,000= $10,000,000,000 (that's only the big spenders so the total spend would be much higher) for 27 (or however many it is) putters of debatable usefulness. And you're happy?

  • bubbsboy
    6,879 Posts
    Fri, Jul 15 2016 8:31 AM

    MK just let them play.

    WGT would have to find revenue from somewhere if it were not for them. 

    As said before......see these Clash clubs in Finnys Xmas challenge. Though with exception of Bravehearts I doubt it.

    Though after Georgian enjoyed our friendly then I feel they may.

  • mkrizan86
    1,866 Posts
    Fri, Jul 15 2016 8:36 AM

    MK just let them play.

    I have nothing against people playing these things, BB. To each their own. Just wanted to straighten out some of Pdb's "facts" ;-)

    Edit: As for the Georgian, it's great they accepted your challenge. Competition wise, it must've been a rude awakening. But I have no doubt they had fun (after all, that's what everything should be about) playing against your CC, you're a great group of people.

  • bubbsboy
    6,879 Posts
    Fri, Jul 15 2016 8:53 AM

    True mate but I feel you are wasting typing finger skin lol

    And cheers they did enjoy it. Over 30 games with no hitch.