Okay . Both CC's have had a member leave their respective CC's since the start of our event . Typically something like this always happens . Usually a replacement ( off the injured reserve list ) or where ever you can find one . Is brought in for the match to be able to be played .
In this case our member that exited the CC . TinysTeeShot . says he still, is very much wanting to honor his round . He reports that he has made many efforts to contact his match up . Good I hope they play .
The other guy MDJohnE is gone and now is your chance to inquire or pick a replace for him so their match can be successful .
In the past . If equal efforts are made by the individual match ups . And end up not getting their round played . We end up calling it a draw . However if it is obvious the the player from one CC has made significant more effort to contact their match up . The other guy just isn't responding or putting out the effort . The diligent one of the two will win by forfeit .
Sound fair enough ?