Like to see that your a man of your word. "I'm Done" in that post from 6 months ago, yet you were still on the course playing yesterday ? What are done with ? Hopefully its about posting that stupid rant,and whinning about how unfair WGT is. If your a man of your convictions teach them a lesson and REALLY quit playing. That will teach them!
The Stevie D Files
I QUIT.. Upcoming Changes...and Thank You!
THIS GAME SUCKS!!!! 3 years.. I've played this game going on 7 years.
And that's only page 1
***** A message to Stevie from...Stevie*******
NOT...NOT.. An Easy game.
This is a LONG HAUL game.
Have patience. You will get better!
I promise.
StevieD/master/Level 70
You can do it Stevie !!!!
Amazing how Mio harasses a couple of people and gets banned from WGT, while Stevie D rants all the time and... he's free. Ridiculous.
P.S. Interesting how the game cheats you, StevieD, and a handful of other ranters while 4,000,000 are just fine.