+1 Champ!
Bubblesimba: Why don't you get you're free pass every 4 hours [...]
A common misconception: You don't get a free pass every ... hours but you get a free pass 4 or 12 hours after you spent the last one in your inventory. The time counts from your click on "use pass".
You see this at the top of your game window (browser game on PC) where it either says, "Next pass in ... hours" or "you own ... passes".
Thus, if you buy 5 passes during the Clash, you'll have to use them up, then wait four hours, then you receive a free pass. In fact, once you start to buy passes in a Clash, you are most certainly bound to buy more to support your CC in the next Clash.
Since there is no real reward for playing in a Clash, I consider it a waste
to buy passes here.
Similar on days without a Clash:
You get up to 880 XPs CDP (Continuous Days Played) bonus once a day. This is way more than you can expect from any game without CDP. Therefore, it's wise to use a free pass to transfer these XPs to your CC if it needs it, but it's unwise to pay for another pass just to get a few additional points.
So, here, too, I consider it a waste to buy any passes.
Furthermore, if you use the second free pass later than 12 hours after the first, your timing to play with the CDP at a certain time may easily get deranged.