mannyo68: . Again, the main question of this post is: how does the precision characteristic affect the redwood putter versus the free one? thanks in advance.....
My experience with the Redwood was to take a giant step forward in the standard of my play.
I have always used the dead aim method.
the standard putter I got to a point where I was sure I had aimed correctly,
used the right power, dinged the meter and the putts were still missing. I then
purchased the Redwood, with a small amount of practice to adjust to the
different scales and the distance each would go per avatar movement, I was now
knocking in the putts that I was missing with the standard. This is due to precision. The Redwood rolls more true to the aim point where as the standard I found to be more of a crap shoot.
An example of a putt that to me I would of missed if using the standard. This was done about a week after the purchase.
replay.aspx?ID=2b5593b0 f467 4d6d b659 9d0000e0c5ce
Manny stick to one method of aiming. Think about the putts you miss and why they missed e.g. right aim wrong power or right power wrong aim.
SweetiePie I am surprised you are having problems with the Redwood maybe you learnt to deal with the lack of precision with the standard. The two putters do play different