Having been so disgusted with WGT's despicable, uncaring, selfish corporate bullsh**t (non) response to multiple requests to honour Andy, I had decided to use starter balls, then when changing my equipment prior to teeing off I thought 'what the heck' and used ALL starter gear.
Not being able to reach 95% of the fairways in 1 from the tees was a bit of an issue, I admit, but the whole experience made me REALLY appreciate being able to stop the ball on a dime when trying to get up and down. And putting....I'm a crap putter at the best of times, but when I can't hit the ding, forget it.
Still, had a couple, many giggles (with a bit of swearing I must confess), and remembered why I was doing this with a huge smile. Thanks for organising this guys.
Any 'reward' for having the worst score? lols