No, Jimmyboy. It's what's making you a laughing stock.....Time and time again you post a thread that even Stevie Wonder would see as user error but you are unable to accept it.
You say a wedge. A 52, 54, 56, 60 or 64 deg wedge? The degree of loft being very critical Or was it even a wooden wedge? Have plenty of those in my workshop.
As for your "wedge" that hits a max of 30yds, you have me totally mystified. My loftiest wedge, the 64, I would expect to hit 55yds give or take from that lie. I really don't know where you get your figures or distances from.
I'm not really one to disagree with Jim but I usually only chip when the ball is very close to the green fringe and is no more than 9 or 10 yds to the pin. I try to take out the borrows of the green as much as possible. But that's just my view.
Assuming Stimp 12 greens running level I would have played that shot as a pitch with my 64 wedge and FBS at 80%. There are many ways of skinning a rabbit and each to their own.