When they made the update that changed the way game toggles the days played switch to "the first ball you hit after the new WGT day begins" some of us got screwed. Those of us who got screwed used to start a round and as long as we hit the last putt after the WGT day change then we were credited with playing another day. If you were like me and just made the assumption vs. checking the green/red status of the checkmark, then on the day of the update our consecutive days reverted to zero. WGT never explained the update to us. It took us days to figure it out on our own. An email to WGT CS garnered no response and they truly didn't give a rat's patootie about the affect the update had on us. It's a typical thing that occurs after an update because the WGT devs have no clue what they really change when they push an update. Then they shut down to restore and screw up more things. It's an endless cycle of getting hosed without any lubricant..