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Wind always in my face

Sat, Nov 26 2016 7:59 PM (10 replies)
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  • theshortdriver
    138 Posts
    Sat, Nov 26 2016 7:59 PM

    So sorry you seem to not like the customer service,I have never had any problems posting a message to them..or also getting a reply back..I hope and think that is because I never call this game down that they have given to us..I have read many many posts as I have been on this site for a long time now..and to me it is simply the best golf game ever..but have seen and read many posts where players blame them

    (W G T ) for everything that is wrong with their round and call them down over and over,even being just plain rude about it..and to be honest I would not send a reply back to those people weather it was good or bad.. when they do that.

    This to me is one of the few sites where they actually care about their product and when they find out about an issue or are told of one..they check it out and do try and fix it..but also many problems are caused by the players themselves..that do not try and find solutions to fix a problem,and by that I mean ..not clearing cookies on a regular basis,and also not learning how to fix a meter that stutters or skips..I happen to know how to fix both of those issues,but only because I took the time to find that out..I am not saying for one moment you are one of the above players that calls down W G T for everything..just stating an overall fact on why some people do not like the customer department and why at times they get no reply..hope all your games are fun..and hope it is not taken too is supposed to be a fun game to play..not life and death..but many in my view think the latter..take care now

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