Mr Borges they heard your request and gave you a putting green, I have a problem with a putting green that gives you 145 ft putts , if thats the case putting isnt your problem it's your aproach, i have a few suggestions when you buy a ball, you dont buy a real ball, so lets get real, buy the amount of hits, if the average ball last 120 hits well if it goes in drink, no big deal .you still have your ball and the remainder of your hits, another thing a driving range where you can pay to use top calibur boys {range balls} 50 to 75 credits for bucket of balls 100 balls and you can get into a timing /sync/rythm. of hiting your ball at diferent speeds. and you will improve your game, or each course can have a driving range so you can practice wind like conditions. but the ball thing with you guys ending games and saying try back later after you have lost your ball,or you cant meet up with that person again.another thing this game isnt free, its really a lie, if I and everybody else went back to our free balls after we bought our equipmentand nobody spent a dime starting tomorrow you would start charging, so dont say it's free because it's not. I pay and other players who always buy equipment, putterpal.but better players would be rewarded ,for pay for per hit , they shot low. show us you really care do the right thing.