Compare to Max Gold Balls - Distance, Spin, Durability, Meter Speed -
- Nike - 5,- 3.5, -2.5, -3.5 Cost $6.50
- Max - 2,- 0,- 2,- 5 Cost $4.50
Price comparison is a little trickier here as the durability is different. For a fair comparison, you have to scale the MAX ball cost by 2.5/2.0 = 1.25 since the balls don't last as long. Thus, the effective MAX cost is $4.50 + $1.13 = $5.63.
I suggest you give the NIKE 20XI-X RZN Balls (L81+) a try
L81 - 5, -4, -2.5, -3.5 Cost $5.50
Yes, the L81s are really good, but lately I've dropped back to the (much) cheaper Cally balls.
New to the legend tier, I have lots of learning to do. And, there's little value (for me) in playing really good balls while the game is presenting so many WTH abnormalities...
Cheers, --Berto