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Bin Laden

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Fri, Jun 17 2011 2:01 PM (96 replies)
  • sdorr
    650 Posts
    Fri, May 20 2011 1:28 PM

    lets you double click a word for the meaning or spelling is working like a champ.

    Ya well, I know my spelling sucks sometimes, but you got the gist of it. So the mission was accomplished. Thank you very much for being so polite in your scolding for my spelling error's and lack of comprehension in other areas. I mean well most of the time.

    Other times, not so much. I shot very poorly today and did not get my consecutive days bonus, ergo I am grumpy, NAY, pissed off.

    I'll get over it. Hey, I'm starting to like that "nay" crap. It's somewhat catchy.

    P.S. to the other guy. As far as I am concerned, these two word Architects can have all the air time they want! It is enjoyable reading between the clash of the titans.

    Now playing" Our adorable sweet Ms. Lizziexx (with very razor sharp incisors),  VS. the mean Mr. Snaike guy. Just kidding, but just in case, SM, have your pocket cam recorder thingy handy.

    I am going to bed now, so to all, have a great weekend. (ya i know, the door won't hit me in the a$$).

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Fri, May 20 2011 1:35 PM

    Ya well, I know my spelling sucks sometimes, but you got the gist of it. So the mission was accomplished. Thank you very much for being so polite in your scolding for my spelling error's and lack of comprehension in other areas.

    LOL-No way that was for you, sdorr. I need it . I mean....antiquarian!!  Sounds like some place the fishies live.  :-D

  • sdorr
    650 Posts
    Fri, May 20 2011 1:57 PM

    I need it . I mean....antiquarian!!

    Brother, I know what you mean. When she "je' toured la france" my a$$, I didn't know weather to smile or cover my nadds.

    Turned out that both responses were correct. LOL, I am still waiting for the axe to fall.

  • Snaike
    3,678 Posts
    Fri, May 20 2011 2:05 PM

    lets you double click a word for the meaning or spelling is working like a champ.

    Ya well, I know my spelling sucks sometimes, but you got the gist of it. So the mission was accomplished. Thank you very much for being so polite in your scolding for my spelling error's and lack of comprehension in other areas. I mean well most of the time.

    sdorr, I'm glad YankeeJim responded before I could.  His use of his "plug in" was directly aimed at the "$20 words" that Miss Lizzie and I have been throwing around like yesterday's leftovers.  I know that he doesn't fancy himself the "WGT Spelling / Grammar Police" and I don't think that he's wanting to start.  Your messages are fine sdorr;  you do, as you say, "mean well most of the time."

    As far as I am concerned, these two word Architects can have all the air time they want! It is enjoyable reading between the clash of the titans.

    Now playing" Our adorable sweet Ms. Lizziexx (with very razor sharp incisors),  VS. the mean Mr. Snaike guy.

    Not a fair fight... not in the least.  And for the love of all that is beautiful in our world, NEVER compare my feeble attempt at written communication to anything Lizzie has ever done (with the possible exception of her latest entrant into this very forum -- Well played, indeed!!)

    Literarily, Miss Lizzie has achieved a rarified air that thick-headed common clods, such as I, will never see.  This is why you will notice throughout my messages I take great pains to affirm that any of my perceived problems with her writing style are my fault, not hers.

    "Titans"?  Nay.  A simple errand boy at the feet of a Goddess.


  • sdorr
    650 Posts
    Fri, May 20 2011 2:59 PM


    Literarily, Miss Lizzie has achieved a rarified air that thick-headed common clods, such as I, will never see.  This is why you will notice throughout my messages I take great pains to affirm that any of my perceived problems with her writing style are my fault, not hers.

    "Titans"?  Nay.  A simple errand boy at the feet of a Goddess.

    Bless you sir, not only are you intelligent, well spoken and educated, but posses the ability to forgive. I, in this case am humbled and in need of the later for I misjudged you.

    My apologies.

    And yes, we are blessed that she deems fit to visit us and grace us with her written presence.

    I like her style.

    You sir, have a nice day!


  • StrangeMagic
    1,304 Posts
    Fri, May 20 2011 8:09 PM

    Beans is ready !! Come and git it !!

  • mantis0014
    8,946 Posts
    Fri, May 20 2011 10:25 PM

    I heard the Bin Laden is with the Aliens at Area51, or whatever that place might


  • StrangeMagic
    1,304 Posts
    Sat, May 21 2011 8:12 AM


    My Dear sweet darlint,

    I of course will be ready and waiting,for a good drive in,in my experience usually preceeds a passable hole out.

    I ought though,draw to your attention the matters already in hand with regard to this thread,and the way in which we have summarily kidnapped it,and thence the wrath which will surely follow thereafter,and in great force.For myself I do not have concern,I am trained to maim if killing is not possible,and therefore submit that I will survive intact,or at worst scathed but not beaten.You my darlingest boy,on the other hand may be susceptable to wounds grievious for which you have no true defence other than greatness of spirit,and of course your skill with a nine iron.

    I suggest therefore,that the both of we head to a place of safety where no ills can us reach,and mindful ever of the rumour mill and damage possible via that medium,we should also cloak ourselves in annonymity that our presence shall not be made public to the extent that a court of law might take notice of such things.Meet me for Lunch at Fortnums,and I shall advise further on those steps we deem prudent.

    I should now like to discuss with you the variables thrown up which tend toward conspiracy in matters that seem to concern the hoi poloi far more than it ought,and trust that you are with me in this.Let us then hope that all and any fireworks be redeemed by virtue of their fizzling as sparks would die in the night air.

    The rope is still there,I can see it by peripheral glance,so close and yet tantalisingly far,and yet I believe We shall neither be hanged,nor drawn out from this merry melodrama.I still do not know if Rose is managing to get my letters through the governess but of course hope she is,and thank her kindly for the loan of her handkerchief,which I shall take with me when I leave.

    Yours in everness,

    Lizzie xx

    I have been rereading this for 4 straight days, I am pretty sure what this means is that Lizzie and I are a hot item again ! She had put me in "time out" for about 6 months or so.

     Ain't romance grand ?!

  • sdorr
    650 Posts
    Sat, May 21 2011 10:05 AM

    My Dear sweet darlint

    Is not "darlint" the stuff you find in your belly button? That is, of course, if you have an "innie" one, otherwise, I suppose it would just hang there.

    Lizzie and I are a hot item again !

    Time will tell my good friend. Good Luck! Now that you have your fancy pants and hat on, perhaps that may sway her.

    Have a nice day.

  • Snaike
    3,678 Posts
    Sat, May 21 2011 12:03 PM


    I have been rereading this for 4 straight days, I am pretty sure what this means is that Lizzie and I are a hot item again ! She had put me in "time out" for about 6 months or so.

     Ain't romance grand ?!

    Scandal! .. Thy name is StrangeMagic!!

    A gentleman worthy of Ms. Lizzie's affections would never, repeat NEVER, air such a personal communication within such pedestrian confines.

    You, sir, are a scoundrel and a cad!