I fealt like I was cheating if I started over like that. Lol. I keep going if I get a birdy too. If I am not to -3 by the end of the front nine I start over.
I've restarted around 9x on the Congressional Virtual Championship until F9 score of -10. $hit gets tedious as hell, especially since I'm using old notes (actual sketches of greens and dot's speed/break). I'm also making new sketches! and notes as I go. Taking 5-15 minutes a damn hole is killing my soul (seriously).
I've finally finished 17 holes and saved yet again. I think it's taken me 3 hours of play to this point (I'll do this on Big $$ tournaments>if I enter them). Someone please shoot me. Will I shoot a good score? Absolutely. Is it fun? Honestly, HELL NO.
Banging out an 18hole 50cr ReadyGo in 20-25 minutes is far more enjoyable, as is playing Stroke/Alt games with friends. Besides, if I played every game like above I'd stop playing altogether (it's painful).