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Why was I advanced to Tour Master?

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Tue, Oct 15 2019 2:13 PM (33 replies)
  • SlickHunter
    1,034 Posts
    Tue, Jul 18 2017 2:52 AM


    unless I am missing something that all of you didn't see, he has been playing for more than 3 months, his account shows he has been member since Jan 2015.  he has over $27 in earnings and appears to play in 100cr brackets.  ...  problem solved, is more a mystery why he hasn't been promoted to Legend by now. 

    You are correct, have been a member since 2015, don't think I played then. didn't even realize I had the game till I installed it again, five months ago now ( 150 CDP). I just started doing brackets this month, won 3 first place. I know if I keep winning, it will advance me to legend, I'm good with that.

  • DodgyPutter
    4,690 Posts
    Tue, Jul 18 2017 4:11 AM

    unless I am missing something that all of you didn't see, he has been playing for more than 3 months, his account shows he has been member since Jan 2015.  he has over $27 in earnings and appears to play in 100cr brackets.  ...  problem solved, is more a mystery why he hasn't been promoted to Legend by now. 


    And I'd add the last of these credit brackets, a tiered TM one, the least he won any of the four rounds by was 10 shots.  Certainly ready for Legend however long the account has been active.

  • SlickHunter
    1,034 Posts
    Tue, Jul 18 2017 5:16 AM

    Legend tier sounds so intimidating,  but on a positive note, it will make me play better.

  • Robert1893
    7,732 Posts
    Tue, Jul 18 2017 6:04 AM


  • SlickHunter
    1,034 Posts
    Tue, Jul 18 2017 6:42 AM


    Legend tier sounds so intimidating,  but on a positive note, it will make me play better.

    It may seem that it's more intimidating, but I think it's more fun from the back tees.

    For example, it makes you think about your course management more. Additionally, par becomes a really good score for some holes. So, when you make par, it feels like you really accomplished something (for example, Merion, holes 5 and 6).

    You just have to embrace the challenge.

    Yeah I'm doing everything to rise up to the challenge, mapping, and lots of practice. I find the Merion course more challenging than the rest. I need more putting practice on a tournament speed, my weakness at the moment.


  • el3n1
    4,514 Posts
    Wed, Jul 19 2017 8:28 AM


    You are correct, have been a member since 2015, don't think I played then. didn't even realize I had the game till I installed it again, five months ago now ( 150 CDP). I just started doing brackets this month, won 3 first place. I know if I keep winning, it will advance me to legend, I'm good with that.

    Winning three brackets is not easy to do.  I feel I am progressing well myself after four months on WGT, but I can't and haven't even risked 100cr brackets because of all the restarters and potential cheat software being used out there.  Not worth it to me.  Have also seen players who linger around in the lower tiers much longer than they probably should to clean up credits in the "softer brackets." 

    Not saying you are doing this, I don't know you and you seem genuine enough.  You conceded the point made regarding your play and acknowledge deserving a promotion.  I respect that.  You easily sufficient equipment to play and compete even at the legend tier from what I can tell from research and seen among members of my CC with comparable or lower equipment than you.  You are already playing a higher quality ball which offsets some of the distance issues from what I can tell from observations made of others playing in the legend tier. 

    I anticipate my own promotion before long, just don't know how quickly.  I don't play brackets though, because I don't want to give credits away to those who are not playing on the up and up. 

    It is not uncommon to see an occasional low round but when you see one or two names at the top of every leaderboard it starts to look shady.  I came across one player when I thought I posted a great score in a weekly tournament, that had been on WGT for less than a month, advanced up the tiers to Legend and shooting lights out scores.  Come on, tell me that is not shady.  It took me far longer than that just to find a way to deal with high winds, let alone green speeds. 

    Again, appreciate you being candid, just know I was pointing out "how it looked" based on your profile.  There can always be other factors. 

    Best of luck upon your promotion, but if you are playing as well as you are, the transition will not be as difficult as you think.  Am sure you are already possibly playing practice rounds off of the legend tees.  I have tried a couple times myself, but it does adjust your strategy but the game can still be enjoyed.

  • SlickHunter
    1,034 Posts
    Wed, Jul 19 2017 3:15 PM



    You are correct, have been a member since 2015, don't think I played then. didn't even realize I had the game till I installed it again, five months ago now ( 150 CDP). I just started doing brackets this month, won 3 first place. I know if I keep winning, it will advance me to legend, I'm good with that.

    Winning three brackets is not easy to do.  I feel I am progressing well myself after four months on WGT, but I can't and haven't even risked 100cr brackets because of all the restarters and potential cheat software being used out there.  Not worth it to me.  Have also seen players who linger around in the lower tiers much longer than they probably should to clean up credits in the "softer brackets." 

    Not saying you are doing this, I don't know you and you seem genuine enough.  You conceded the point made regarding your play and acknowledge deserving a promotion.  I respect that.  You easily sufficient equipment to play and compete even at the legend tier from what I can tell from research and seen among members of my CC with comparable or lower equipment than you.  You are already playing a higher quality ball which offsets some of the distance issues from what I can tell from observations made of others playing in the legend tier. 

    I anticipate my own promotion before long, just don't know how quickly.  I don't play brackets though, because I don't want to give credits away to those who are not playing on the up and up. 

    It is not uncommon to see an occasional low round but when you see one or two names at the top of every leaderboard it starts to look shady.  I came across one player when I thought I posted a great score in a weekly tournament, that had been on WGT for less than a month, advanced up the tiers to Legend and shooting lights out scores.  Come on, tell me that is not shady.  It took me far longer than that just to find a way to deal with high winds, let alone green speeds. 

    Again, appreciate you being candid, just know I was pointing out "how it looked" based on your profile.  There can always be other factors. 

    Best of luck upon your promotion, but if you are playing as well as you are, the transition will not be as difficult as you think.  Am sure you are already possibly playing practice rounds off of the legend tees.  I have tried a couple times myself, but it does adjust your strategy but the game can still be enjoyed.

    Like you, I'm fairly new with 5 months of active play. Yeah, I practice my weakness shots, but haven't practice Punch and Flop shots, but I get by without them for now. I found the brackets tourney much easier, because you only need to beat one player at a time. I switched to playing RGs, because out of my 3 first place bracket wins, I haven't received the credits won. I tried my first RG yesterday and placed, it seems that I got paid, think I did. I did my 2nd RG today, and placed again. I see the benefit in doing credit tourneys, it makes you play better. Then again, since it's a single play, I can take my time. I try to make every shot counts, and so far it's working, and learn in the process. I really don't focus on other players whatever they're doing. I work on my game, and try to improve it everytime. As far as the balls I use, I found other balls very tricky. I've used cheap to very expensive Nike 700 credit per sleeve, all I'm getting was inconsistencies with yardage with Nike balls, even after testing them repeatedly. Now, I'm using the 450 credit Callaways, more forgiving on mishit. Things that help me is using a wind chart, and putting chart. They help avoid shooting way over par. It's just a matter of time, we can play against the best. I haven't practice from Legend tier, maybe I should.

    You actually progress ahead of me, 4 months and already a Tourmaster. Equipments look good too..Good luck with the game, and the tourneys you enter.





  • K7JBQ
    1,469 Posts
    Wed, Jul 19 2017 4:07 PM

    Well done, and good progress.

    I agree on the high end Nike balls...high performance but finicky when it comes to yardage and spin. I find the Volviks a good compromise. Not as long as the Nikes, but very consistent.

    Take the time to learn all the shots. As you climb the ladder, saving strokes around the green becomes more important, and the punch shots and flop shots can be your best friend.

  • SlickHunter
    1,034 Posts
    Thu, Jul 20 2017 5:21 AM


    Well done, and good progress.

    I agree on the high end Nike balls...high performance but finicky when it comes to yardage and spin. I find the Volviks a good compromise. Not as long as the Nikes, but very consistent.

    Take the time to learn all the shots. As you climb the ladder, saving strokes around the green becomes more important, and the punch shots and flop shots can be your best friend.


    Since I started doing tourneys, even with the small entry fee, I learn to manage the course more, and recognize a birdie to a bogey hole. I have not use a punch shot yet, and very little flop shot, those I need to master.

    There must be something we're missing with the Nike balls, as L90 Nike ball is describe as the best ball out there. Maybe when I turn Legend, I will give that a shot. 




  • K7JBQ
    1,469 Posts
    Thu, Jul 20 2017 9:16 AM

    Thanks for the friends invite.

    I've played the level 90 Nikes, and done well with them, but they're just a little too "high strung" for my game on an every day basis. What I mean is, they react very strongly to slight differences in spin, and I have trouble getting consistent, predictable yardage with them. With the Volviks, what I lose in yardage I gain in consistency on the approach shots. And it's the approach shot that sets up scoring opportunities.

    That said, if I'm playing a tournament on a long course like Chambers Bay or Erin Hills, I sometimes equip the Nikes. On a course where accuracy is more important than distance, such as Pebble Beach or the Olympic Club, I'll go with the Volviks every time.

    But it's great that we have a variety of balls available. Makes the game more fun.