This whole ding cheat thing amazes me. What makes these guys so good is the miss ding. They know how to manipulate the meter. Intentional early or late dings compensates for the wind , spin and avatar movements is the key for distance and elevation changes.
Winner, winner...
I gave up trying for ding a long time ago and forgot about reading the wind properly. If the wind is pushing left... I aim a tad to the right and miss the ding a little late. Opposite for right pushing wind.
In high winds, getting can sometimes be a bad thing as I don't always play the wind correctly.
Well said.
I think one of Wgt's anti cheat programs is to try and stop the Auto Dingers. So now when we hit the Ding (some of the time)... the ball doesn't go where we aimed, well that's my
So, Slightly missing the Ding according to wind is also good. If it's low winds... 2 to 3mph it doesn't really matter if you ding or not... you still be close enough to Pin to get the one putt, if the distance is right.... that's if you can Putt.
I'm still waiting until when I have the great Honour of being called a cheat.... that's when I know I finally made it to the Elite, when I shoot a very low but alas, I havn't shot scores low enough.
Now sayng all that.... This is an Internet game. There will be always be people who try and Cheat the System with different new things thay can use. Just like Drugs in Sport... you can try and get rid of em, but there will always be something new that we can't detect.
So.... Don't worry bout cheats, they are small minded people who think they are good and don't drag down the really good players of the game because you are not good enough to beat them :)
Just Saying