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WGT Belt

Thu, May 20 2010 7:33 PM (624 replies)
  • Faterson
    2,902 Posts
    Wed, Jan 6 2010 8:54 PM



    No question about it. When you have the choice between running a tournament manually, and running it using automated software scripts, it's really no choice at all. I'm no longer participating in this tourney, but anyway that's my feedback as a former quintuple Belt holder.

    JT, the Ladders site does not only offer the 4 ladders (3, 9, 18, Guilds). Anyone can join the site without joining any of the ladders. I play on the ladders because they save me from quitters; I don't really care about what my ladder ranking is.

    Two prominent features offered on the Ladders site, quite separate from the ladders, are the monthly League Tables tournament (with 144 players currently enrolled), and the weekly brackets-style It's a Knockout tournament, run every Sunday (around 40 players enrolled on each of the last few Sundays). Neither of these events has anything to do with the ladders. So, the WGT Belt might be yet another event hosted on that site, without having anything to do with the ladders.

    Now that I've mentioned it, permit me to conclude with a partly off-topic remark: it is often claimed by certain players that the ladders site supposedly does not feature the best players of this golf game. I beg to differ; I believe the best players on that site are as good as any other players who have ever played this game. But, here's the point: anyone who believes differently, can easily prove the WGTLS fans wrong, by entering one of the Sunday It's a Knockout tourneys. This is a bracket-style tourney, and on the last few Sundays, you "only" had to win 5 or 6 nine-hole matches in a row in order to become the champion for that week. I wonder why some players who like to claim they are superior over ladder players, have never chosen that It's a Knockout avenue to prove their point? If I thought about myself I was the best player this site has ever seen, I'd have no fear to enroll in one of the It's a Knockouts on one of the Sundays, then "go through the motions" of winning those 5 or 6 matches in a row, and thus conclusively prove that I am, indeed, the best player. But, unless I actually do so, the proclamations of being "better than ladder players" are no more than empty words.

  • EllisSpice
    871 Posts
    Thu, Jan 7 2010 4:48 AM

    I may have mis-worded my post a little. What I meant is that Mark has made some blank pages that we could use, and there would only be a WGT Belt on his site with support from me. If I say no, no WGT Belt on his site.

  • vabighack
    463 Posts
    Thu, Jan 7 2010 7:00 AM

     I vote to leave it on WGT. 

  • marioh
    1,055 Posts
    Thu, Jan 7 2010 7:21 AM

    do whatever you think is easiest ellis.


    But i will say this much.   If I see another post like Faterson's, I'm f'ing going to go ballastic again like I did in another thread here.

    Nobody in this thread stated anything negative about the ladder or it's members.   Yet, here we have a post in here stating how great the players there are, how certain "people" are doing this and that.

    Give it a rest is all I'm going to say.   If you feel the need to slam each other, do it on your respective sites.   Do not bring it into this thread or to the WGT forum.


  • jbenny11
    863 Posts
    Thu, Jan 7 2010 8:09 AM

    way to make a stand on that boycott, the french would be proud.

  • EllisSpice
    871 Posts
    Thu, Jan 7 2010 8:14 AM

    Hey now! No arguing in this thread, otherwise it'll ruin it!

    By the way, if you are currently set up to play a game, play do play it as the belt is still going (and sign-ups still open).

    Also, next Monday, there will be another big announcement to do with the WGT Belt (that has nothing to with moving it).

    And please, fill out the survey (the link is on the front page). It would a great help.


  • Faterson
    2,902 Posts
    Thu, Jan 7 2010 8:14 AM

    The discussed suggestion is the move of the Belt to WGTLS, and therefore discussing the merits or demerits of WGTLS and the WGTLS community is perfectly on-topic here, until Ellis makes his decision.

    There is, in particular, one common misconception that it would be useful to remove: quite a few people (including current WGTLS members) mistakenly believe that when they join WGTLS, they need to play on the ladders. (Or, vice versa, that if they don't want to play the ladders, they need to leave WGTLS.) None of that is true. If Ellis moves the Belt to WGTLS, everyone would still be free to ignore the ladders and all ladder players completely. Belt players would only need to possess a WGTLS account, but other than that, everything would be as before, with the added value of automated software scripts to process Belt match results.  

  • Snaike
    3,678 Posts
    Thu, Jan 7 2010 10:21 AM


    While I am not connected with your WGT Belt, and know that my opinion probably counts for less than those who are, I would add a few pennies if I may...

    Your tournament belongs here.  I have long been a member of the Ladder site (as a matter of fact, I was one of the first dozen or so to enroll) and have nothing but the highest regard for Mark and what he started.

    The problem with moving it, as I see it, really has very little to do with the site mechanics and procedures, but more to do with the culture that has surrounded what it has become.  There are too many tournaments, clubs, cliques, administrators, groups, etc. around those ladders to ensure that your efforts remain your own.

    This is not an attack on any one specific person  --  (you know who you are, and this isn't about you.  No response necessary.)

    Your tournament, in it's current form, Ellis, seems to work just fine.  The only thing you will get if you move it to the ladders site is less control, in my opinion.

    For those who missed it.. there is nothing wrong with the ladder site, their groups and tournaments, the administration, et al.  It is a great place with great people and serves it's function admirably.  I have spent HOURS and HOURS on that site over the last year and would and still recommend the ladders to any and all who wish to play without quitters.  (Original link still on my blog!) 

    Again, just my 2¢...  put them in the tip jar if you wish.



  • mwh65
    63 Posts
    Thu, Jan 7 2010 10:46 AM

    Just to re-iterate, Ellis would have complete control of WGT Belt if it was to move to WGTLS and he would become a Moderator as well.

    Absolutely nothing would change regarding it's format unless Ellis requested it.

    My reason for asking after it was the exellent format devised by gao and Ellis. What WGTLS currently lacks is a 3rd decent regular tournament format alongside the Monthly League Tables (run very well by DaveLindsay) and the weekly It's a Knockout tourney.

  • Snaike
    3,678 Posts
    Thu, Jan 7 2010 11:17 AM

    Just to re-iterate, Ellis would have complete control of WGT Belt if it was to move to WGTLS and he would become a Moderator as well.

    Absolutely nothing would change regarding it's format unless Ellis requested it.

    ... and my point has been excellently rendered moot by the man himself.  Thank you Mark.

    I will now return my 2¢ to the nearest charitable donation barrel.

    Have a great day, and a better one tomorrow!