I just finished my game with TWOMINUSONE, Jimmy.
What great company and played with someone who was really involved during the Andyson days...and so it was real real honour to play with Jimmy.
We had some laughs and a few more!!!!
It encapsulated what this event is all about having fun and celebrating Dennis.
Now for the record, we scored pretty well, and the highlights were a hole out by Jimmy on #3 for eagle...after I was a foot away lol.
But on #8, I was a little short, back pin......and Jimmy quipped .......I have had more holes in one here than other holes..........and guess what........yup HIO BOOOOOOMMMM.
LMAO - Dennis was Dancing....or doing a jig in celebration....I am sure
The game for the record went 2 extra holes....and sadly Jimmy found the mulch over in the sand to the left of the par 5 (I never knew it existed) and effectively ended Jimmy's chances.
A sad way for it to finish......but perhaps that was Andyson having the last laugh.
A friend made (how we were not friends before is bewildering lol)
The record say;s Alanti def twominusone.......but we were both winners today.