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Bad Sportsmanship During Match Play

Thu, Jul 14 2011 9:25 PM (25 replies)
  • lee22sharon
    1,419 Posts
    Tue, May 31 2011 9:14 AM

    it may be your life, certainly not mine.  you allow the miscreants of the world enter your space, make/do things inappropriately and just let them leave without exacting a penelty.  unbelievable to me that any adult who is of any consquence at all would stand for such behavior.  fortunatly i do not have to.  i urge any and all to do something, anything.  it will help when they understand that no-one will put up with it. my nickel.



  • 6six6
    194 Posts
    Tue, May 31 2011 10:30 AM

    Call your local democrat and tell em you played a round with a bully!

  • Hoolahoof
    163 Posts
    Tue, May 31 2011 10:33 AM

    Just as there is a way to lose, there is a way to win as well.


    I was in a recent alternate shot game, getting killed 4 down, and the winning team was taking full 90 second timers yapping away at how great they were. If they were in the same room they would have broke their arms patting themselves on the back.

    Needless to say it was pretty frustrating and disrespectful if you ask I interupted their courtship and said.."come on guys, lets finish this up please"..And of course then I got the lecture about patience, blah blah blah...I stayed and finished the game and left.

    My point is, be respectful, losing OR winning. You will have less people raging and quitting on you if you don't milk your opponents defeat.

  • lee22sharon
    1,419 Posts
    Tue, May 31 2011 8:55 PM

    your point is absolutly correct, but we were not talking about swell headed egomanaics, but instead persons who can not behave and cause a ruckus, profanity, racism, and about 56 other kinds of izsms.  it is those who i will not tolerate. swellheads are everywhere, any one in political office qualifies.  again my nickel.


  • lee22sharon
    1,419 Posts
    Tue, May 31 2011 8:58 PM


    Call your local democrat and tell em you played a round with a bully!

    what is your point? a politician help someone, come on your an adult, be one.


  • Sanco
    1,345 Posts
    Wed, Jun 1 2011 12:26 AM



    Call your local democrat and tell em you played a round with a bully!


    what is your point? a politician help someone, come on your an adult, be one.


    Are you sure this person is an indeed adult?   Let's not forget this game is open to 13 years old now...  enough said ;)


  • TurkishTerror
    2,177 Posts
    Wed, Jun 1 2011 6:25 AM

    @lee22sharon  -  Pretty sure the problem is you Sharon.   You sound crazy.  just my nickel......

  • 6six6
    194 Posts
    Wed, Jun 1 2011 6:40 AM

    i guess my point is some people are just whiners and almost sickening.

    reminds me of toddlers whining to mommy.

    if you don't like a player leave the game and get a life while at it.

  • lee22sharon
    1,419 Posts
    Wed, Jun 1 2011 8:02 AM

    hmmm, whine, cry, leave game. none of these actions define what i would do.  i replyed to SOMEONE ELSE, who was whining about another player, not i.  i will not leave a round because SOMEONE ELSE, is creating a unwholsome situation that makes itv difficult to continue the round. just the reverse is what i would do as i outlined in various forum entries prior to this one.  i am not the person who created the situation, but i will be the person who will end it if at all possiable. my nickel again.

  • lee22sharon
    1,419 Posts
    Wed, Jun 1 2011 8:05 AM


    @lee22sharon  -  Pretty sure the problem is you Sharon.   You sound crazy.  just my nickel......

    no not crazy.  just feed up with nambypamby know it all's who do nothing to elivieate a bad situation, but have enough time and energy to make counterproductive entries on the forums.  what you say is so inadequate and pointless.  just to ignore a bad situation does not make it get better.  again my nickel.