I have been watching the Andyson Memorial from time to time. The designer, & promoters deserve accolades, for setting the bar to such heights. From all the entrants, to the simple well-wishers of the event, it will be a Herculean task to outperform this event.
Just when one thinks the pinnacle has been reached, Silently, nobility steps in.
It is nobility, that forms the granite foundation, which benevolence, stands unwavering upon.
One need only open a dictionary, to find Mr. Caddie’s name, synonymous with benevolence.
Those that know Wayne, know reverence, & have no need for a dictionary. His giving, and promotion of kindness, keep him on an unwavering path towards everlasting rewards.
All this is done, for the benefit of others, with no regard of self-adulation.
Andyson marker aside, Wayne has left his mark on society itself. After all is said, & done, a man is judged by his deeds, not his actions.
I hope, one day, to escalate to ½ of Mr. Caddies contributions, in & outside this game.
Thank you Wayne, for the constant reminder, of societies ability to show benevolence, for nothing more, than the sake of it, itself.